Pandemics and the Universities By James Reed

     Guess what the universities are up to today in these days of plague?

“One of Australia’s leading universities said on Friday it is offering Chinese students A$1,500 ($992) if they travel through a third country as higher education providers seek to minimize the impact of a ban on foreigners arriving from mainland China. Australia has since Feb. 1 barred entry to foreigners arriving directly from mainland China, citing a need to stop the spread of the flu-like virus that emerged in China late last year. The ban was extended on Thursday until at least Feb. 29. With the Australian academic year already underway, universities fear thousands of students will withdraw and look at international alternatives if they are unable to get to their classes within weeks. Australia’s government has said that as long as the students are outside China for 14 days, they would be permitted to enter the country. Western Sydney University said it will offer Chinese students a one-off payment if they fulfil those requirements.”

     Thus, the government needs to move immediately to crash this.

“Adelaide University is offering significant fee discounts and airfare reimbursements to encourage Chinese students affected by the coronavirus travel ban to commit to studying in the first semester. The university was last year revealed as one of the most financially overexposed to the Chinese market in the English-speaking world. Deputy vice-chancellor Pascale Quester has written to students offering a “care package” including a 20 per cent reduction in first semester tuition fees, and reimbursement of up to $2000 on flight costs to Australia once travel restrictions are lifted. Students who commit to study in the first semester will begin with online “preparatory material” from March 2. “When you are able to join us in Adelaide, we will offer intensive tutorials, which will maintain the high level of immersive, face-to-face learning you expect from us,” writes Prof Quester. “We will need to ensure you can attend campus for your immersive face-to-face experience no later than 1 June. “We are confident travel restrictions will have lifted by that date. If the restrictions have not lifted then we will provide students with a full and unconditional refund, or offer a way to complete courses remotely.” Those who defer to the “next available teaching period” will still be eligible for the flight reimbursement. “We will offer repeat courses from Semester 1 and mid-year intensives to enable you to commence your course as planned,” writes Prof Quester.”

     Ok, nothing wrong there, it is just capitalism to offer incentives. However, I simply cannot wait for nature to have the last laugh at the universities, all universities, everywhere. If people power does not close them down, one day, pandemics will. These globalist entities have had their day.



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