Pandemic Preparedness and Surveillance Partnership, By Brian Simpson

The next big pandemic thing, no doubt getting ready for the bird fu run, is the 50-country pandemic preparedness and surveillance partnership announced recently by the White House. These agreements, according to critics such as W. Scott McCollough, will contain the essence of the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, which has run into trouble from opposition across the world. Hence, the globalists move the goal posts, and do it quickly before information gets out, and opposition can be built up. As noted by Children's Health Defense, the usual suspects of the globalists are involved as well:

"It's not just the U.S. government that's backing such plans, McCollough warned. He cited the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as "one of the primary drivers" of such initiatives alongside "a huge group of actors, both government and then financial and nongovernmental organizations that are very much involved in all of this."

They include financial firms Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street, which McCollough said "own a lot of the shares in the major tech companies and in Big Pharma."

"You also have the Bilderberg Group, the Atlantic Council, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the G20, the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and … various arms of the United Nations, including the WHO," McCollough said.

McCollough called these entities "a group of very powerful controligarchs … who are trying to put in place techno-totalitarianism" and are "stripping the middle class of all of its assets, all of its resources, pushing us down into what is basically a serf class."

Thus, here is the next battle to contend with. The globalists never sleep and are at it 24/7. And, control the credit.

"Attorney and technology expert W. Scott McCollough joined "The Defender In-Depth" this week to discuss a new 50-country pandemic preparedness and surveillance partnership announced last week by the White House.

McCollough also discussed other recent troubling developments for privacy and personal autonomy.

McCollough said the new 50-country partnership is the latest in a long line of U.S. government surveillance initiatives that curtail Americans' civil liberties. He cited the recent renewal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, or FISA and legislation forcing Chinese-owned TikTok to divest its U.S. operations, as further examples.

McCollough also cited technological innovations such as blockchain technology as tools that have the potential to benefit humanity — but which, he says, are increasingly being weaponized into tools of surveillance and control.

'Very powerful controligarchs' behind government surveillance plans

Referring to the Biden administration's new global pandemic surveillance plan, McCollough said, "This latest move … is really just an effort by the current administration to go ahead and implement much of what is still in flux at the international level" — namely, the World Health Organization's (WHO) proposed "pandemic agreement" and amendments to the International Health Regulations.

"In short, the Biden administration is basically rushing forward with these agreements that everybody has been saying are really a bad idea," McCollough said.

It's not just the U.S. government that's backing such plans, McCollough warned. He cited the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as "one of the primary drivers" of such initiatives alongside "a huge group of actors, both government and then financial and nongovernmental organizations that are very much involved in all of this."

They include financial firms Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street, which McCollough said "own a lot of the shares in the major tech companies and in Big Pharma."

"You also have the Bilderberg Group, the Atlantic Council, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the G20, the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and … various arms of the United Nations, including the WHO," McCollough said.

McCollough called these entities "a group of very powerful controligarchs … who are trying to put in place techno-totalitarianism" and are "stripping the middle class of all of its assets, all of its resources, pushing us down into what is basically a serf class."

McCollough accused the "controligarchs" of using words that "sound attractive" — such as "health" or "environment" — except that "they have hijacked all of these good-feeling things, all these sorts of notions that people can normally get behind, in service of a much larger objective."

"The price, however, is individual self-determination and liberty," McCollough said. "We are all being reduced to chattel. We will be moved about, controlled, stripped of all self-determination by a group of elites."

Digital data used against us 'for propaganda purposes'

The elites are hijacking technologies and digital applications that have the potential to benefit humanity for their own benefit, McCollough said.

"Digital itself is not a bad thing," McCollough said. "We all love our digital tools. I'm a technophile. I love technology … So it's not about the technology or the fact that it's digital, it's that these tools [are] being used to bludgeon us."

He said such efforts preceded World War I when the U.S. government took over the telegraph and telecommunications systems.

In recent decades, such initiatives have included then-President Ronald Reagan's Executive Order 12333, which according to McCollough, is "the beginning of the use of digital technology to institute a surveillance state."

This was followed by former President George W. Bush's administration's "Total Information Awareness" program, allowing the government to capture all of the information it could.

And after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, "a whole host of security initiatives, such as the Patriot Act followed, which began to turn its focus against its own citizens."

McCollough said:

"Now with all of the technology that we have and what the infrastructure can do, every phone call, every email, every text, everything you do on every device is captured, stored, associated with you and potentially there for data mining, whether by government or private entities.

"We have been stripped of our individual privacy rights. They know everything about us. It is freely available to government and these large corporate interests, and it is being used against us for propaganda purposes or for psychological sales techniques to try to control what we buy and how we buy it."

FISA 'will be used against you'

The recent renewal of FISA is another example of this trend, according to McCollough. "Everyone knows how FISA was misused for many things," he said. "Surveillance, even against the then-sitting president and the newly elected president starting in 2016."

"It will be used against you regardless of your political affiliation. There's been an extraordinary amount of abuse."

McCollough cited FISA Section 701, which authorizes "the collection of data." He said, "That's what allows them to actually establish the wiretap."

Recent amendments to FISA "expanded the base of what they call service providers who are now subject to an order by the federal government, by the intelligence services or the FBI," including virtual private network providers and businesses that offer WiFi access to their customers.

"They can now tap into far more sources of information," McCollough said. "All of us are being monitored and surveilled. Over time … they can find out everything about you and ultimately use it against you at their pleasure."

U.S. intelligence agencies seek foothold in TikTok via forced divesture

McCollough said congressional action against TikTok is another step toward increased surveillance. While he understands the concerns about "a China-controlled application" that has access to children's personal information, he said, "There's more going on than we are being told."

According to McCollough:

"The real reason that they are doing this isn't to positively influence … what social media does to our kids. Our intelligence services dislike TikTok because they do not control TikTok like they do the social media platforms that were grown here in the United States, the Facebooks and all of the others.

"This is why they are making them divest. They're making them sell to somebody controlled by the United States and even more specifically the United States intelligence services so that they will be the ones in control. They don't like TikTok because they can't control TikTok. That's the problem."

McCollough said the bill gives "extraordinary power to the Executive Office of the President to deem virtually any entity, whether social media or not, a 'foreign threat'" — which he says would allow the president to authorize their takeover.

"It's really easy to deem someone a threat," McCollough said, noting that this can be done even on the basis of spreading alleged "misinformation" or "disinformation."

Blockchain technology can also be used in a similar fashion, according to McCollough. Noting that, at its base, blockchain technology refers to a digital ledger, he said it "makes an immutable permanent record that cannot be changed."

Blockchain keeps permanent records of everyone's digital transactions. "If it's on the blockchain, you can't change it" — even if a mistake is discovered in one's data.

"Blockchain has a good aspect to it [but] can be misused," McCollough said, citing central bank digital currency, which he said "is also programmable."

"This is all just another effort by the current administration, which is in cahoots with all of these other organizations, to begin to institute a top-down, totalitarian, one-world government to control the information flow, all in the name of health and the environment," McCollough said.

McCollough said:

"This is the problem that arises when people give up their freedoms and liberties in the name of convenience. These things are sold to us as being liberating, as providing efficiencies and giving us more convenience. But … in every step, we're giving up liberty, self-determination and a right to control our lives."



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