Original Antigenic Sin, Vindicated By Brian Simpson

Today at the blog we are covering the extraordinary thing, that academic medical papers are now coming out which are vindicating the brave Covid vax critics, like Dr Robert Malone, who early in the plandemic warned of a range of adverse effects, including something with the intimidating name of Original Antigenic Sin. This arises from the mRNA vax being based upon an immune response to a spike protein. The immune system recognises that particular protein as a foreign danger and attacks it. But, when a new variant of the Covid virus is encountered, the immune system responds to what is has been pre-programmed to respond to, and the new variant escapes the immune net. But, if one was unvaxxed and got the Covid infection, the immune system produces a more robust response, and is not limited to countering merely one protein.

While this was a plausible explanation, it now has empirical evidence  in a report called “Impact of imprinted immunity induced by mRNA vaccination in an experimental animal model” in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. An animal model was used, involving hamsters, and the poor little fellows were found to have Original Antigenic Sin.

Why should this be of concern, to people who may not like to read science? Well, while this is uncertain, it is possible, as speculated below, that the Covid vaccinated may now have become “virus mutation factories.” While the present Covid variants are not very dangerous, who knows what will be released next from a bioweapons lab by the unfriendly communist Chinese regime? And, if the immune system is comprised with trillions of spike proteins, what will happen in the next bioweapons release, if the next bug really has “teeth”? The present excess mortality across the vaxxed world could already be due to this phenomenon.



“As discussed yesterday and many times in the past, mRNA vaccines use a snippet of the virus’ genetic material - its messenger RNA or mRNA - to instruct our cells to produce the virus’ spike protein and in doing so, trigger an immune response.

However, from the very beginning, one of the concerns with using vaccines against coronaviruses is the concept of Original Antigenic Sin (OAS). This phenomenon is where the immune system is trained on the variant in the vaccine but upon encountering a new but similar version of the virus, it responds based on its memory of the original virus rather than the new one.

So, if you were vaccinated at the beginning of the pandemic and your body was trained on the original Wuhan spike protein, the hypothesis is that when you encounter a new variant, your body produces a response against the Wuhan virus and not the new variant. This could mean you have a less effective immune response to the new variant, if any at all.

On the other hand, if your immune system is primed through natural infection, it is trained on all the different parts of the virus, not just the spike protein. You still get OAS but this time, if the spike protein has mutated into a different variant, your body will still produce an appropriate response because it will still recognise other parts of the virus that mutate much more slowly.

But this has just been theory. A group of researchers wanted to investigate whether the theory held up in practice and have recently published their report called “Impact of imprinted immunity induced by mRNA vaccination in an experimental animal model” in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. They used hamsters for their experiments because their immune responses can be similar to those of humans. The hamsters were given a three-dose mRNA vaccination, similar to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine used in humans. After the vaccinations, the hamsters were exposed to different variants of SARS-CoV-2.

The researchers then measured various outcomes, such as the amount of viral RNA in the hamsters and the ability of the hamsters' immune systems to neutralize the virus.

While the vaccinated hamsters didn’t develop a specific antibody immune response, the authors point out that mRNA vaccines can also induce cellular immunity (the part of the immune system that attacks infected cells) against multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants.

However, recent studies have shown that vaccinated individuals are producing an IgG4 response and are therefore tolerating the virus in the same way we do pollen or bee stings.

So we are at the point where vaccinated individuals are no longer producing an antibody response to new variants, due to OAS, whilst allowing the virus to run riot in their bodies, due to the IgG4 response tricking their bodies into thinking the virus is as harmless as some pollen.

What does this mean? Who knows at the moment but it is highly likely that the vaccinated have turned into virus mutation factories. Fortunately, the current variants aren’t particularly deadly but that could change over night. Furthermore, if their bodies are overwhelmed with a virus which they can never fully fight off, are they prone to getting other infections, completely unrelated to Covid. Is this what is causing the relentlessly high excess death rates?”




The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants has led to concerns that ancestral SARS-CoV-2-based vaccines may not be effective against newly emerging Omicron subvariants. The concept of "imprinted immunity" suggests that individuals vaccinated with ancestral virus-based vaccines may not develop effective immunity against newly emerging Omicron subvariants, such as BQ.1.1 and XBB.1. Here, we investigated this possibility using hamsters. While natural infection induced effective antiviral immunity, breakthrough infections in hamsters with BQ.1.1 and XBB.1 Omicron subvariants after receiving the 3-dose mRNA-LNP vaccine resulted in only faintly induced humoral immunity, supporting the possibility of imprinted immunity.”




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