Open Season on Whites By Charles Taylor

     Dr Steve Turley comments on the execution by the antifa of a Trump supporter in Portland. The antifarts announced their support for the murder of the patriot prayer supporter. Dr Turley thinks that a line has been crossed. Well, I don’t know, the following items show whites being virtually harvested, hunted down like prey, even children. Most of the killers and attackers simply walk away. Next thing will be that the killers will be given the keys to the cities, if anything is left unburnt, or there are any doors left standing to unlock.

“A shocking video of a man being attacked while walking on a street in the US has emerged on social media. The video, which was uploaded to Instagram on Monday, shows a man with a green T-shirt, shorts and cap, walking along a footpath before being approached by a man from behind. The second man hits the lone walker over the head with what appears to be a brick. He then falls to the ground, face first as the attacker runs off. “YOUNG MAN YOU GOT KNOCKED TF OUT. B***H YOU BET NOT RUN,” the caption read. It also contained the hashtags #whitelivesdon’tmatter’ and #blacklivesmatter. While the clip hasn’t been verified and the context is unclear, it appears to have happened on Monday in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. The video has been viewed nearly 3000 times since it was uploaded, with many flooding the post with comments of disbelief. The post has since been removed.”

“RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) – Four teens, including a juvenile, have been arrested and charged in connection with the murder of a 17-year-old girl who was found dead in a car outside a Raleigh Bojangle’s last weekend. Police said Tuesday night that three teens, Keyshara Michelle Deans, 19, Nezyiha Zamir Collins, 19, and Tyreek Qumay Rogers, 18, were all arrested and charged with accessory after the fact to murder. Authorities were still looking for 17-year-old Devin Cordell Jones. A juvenile petition and secure custody order for the murder of Veronica Lee Baker were being sought for Jones. On Wednesday morning, the teen was taken into custody and charged with Baker’s murder. Deans, Collins, and Rogers were all taken to the Wake County Detention Center. Collins and Rogers are being held on $500,000 secured bonds each. According to warrants, Collins and Rogers left North Carolina with Jones in an attempt to evade capture. Deans is being held on a $1,015,000 secured bond for multiple charges, some of which date back to June and don’t appear to be related to Baker’s murder, according to arrest records. Deans’ arrest warrant says that she drove Jones from the scene of the murder in order for him to evade capture. Just after 8:15 p.m. Saturday, a caller reported finding a girl lying inside a car in the parking lot of the Bojangles’ at 3920 Jones Sausage Road. “She’s not breathing. I tried to shake her and everything else. It’s just not, no response. No nothing,” said the caller, adding that the car was running with the lights on, doors open, and a set of keys inside. A second person heard on the call said the car has been the parking lot for some time, but they initially didn’t realize something was wrong. “I went on lunch. I went on my break a minutes ago, sir, and when I came back the door was open. I didn’t pay no attention,” the person said. Friends and neighbors described Baker as sweet and lovely. They said she had her whole life ahead of her. Baker graduated from Garner Magnet High School in June. The 17-year-old murdered was a white female teenager. All of Veronica Lee Baker murderers were black. Her story has made the rounds, as are many others. The tide is turning.”

“A Wilson man was in custody Monday night, about 24 hours after police said he shot and killed a 5-year-old boy. Darius N. Sessoms, 25, was apprehended in Goldsboro by members of the U.S. Marshals Service Carolinas Regional Fugitive Task Force, Goldsboro police and the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office. He was charged with first-degree murder and was being held without bond in the Wilson County jail. Police were called to a shooting in a neighborhood in the 5100 block of Archers Road just after 5:30 p.m. Sunday. Family members said Cannon Hinnant was playing outside his father’s house when he was shot in the head. The boy’s two sisters, ages 8 and 7, saw their brother get shot, according to Cannon’s mother. Cannon was taken to Wilson Medical Center, where he died. No details about a possible motive for the shooting have been released, but police said the shooting wasn’t random. Sessoms lives next door to Cannon’s father, and a neighbor said that the two men had dinner together Saturday night and that Sessoms was at his neighbor’s home earlier Sunday. Doris Labrant, who witnessed the shooting, said Sessoms ran up to Cannon, put the gun near his head and fired before running back to his own house. “My first reaction was he’s playing with the kids,” Labrant said. “For a second, I thought, ‘That couldn’t happen.’ People don’t run across the street and kill kids.” She said she realized the gun was real when she saw Cannon’s father’s reaction to the shooting, and she quickly went inside her home, locked the door and tried to call 911. “You don’t expect to see somebody shoot someone,” she said. Cannon’s grandmother said the family was happy to know that Sessoms had been arrested, but they’re devastated by the young boy’s senseless killing.”

     Not only are white children being executed, but the exciting diverse killers often get off punishment, with anger management classes. Not even a smack on the wrists:

“The teenager responsible for the death of a man at a Maryland Fair has been sentenced to probation and an anger management course after delivering a fatal blow to a local man after a verbal argument over a dollar. A 16-year-old pleaded guilty to the brutal assault at the Great Frederick Fair where a group of teenagers surrounded 59-year-old John Weed demanding a dollar. When Weed failed to comply, the group punched him in the head repeatedly, with the 16-year-old in question landing the fatal blow. After Weed fell to the ground unresponsive, the group of teens spat at the victim before dancing around his unconscious body, hollering excitedly. Weed died the next day in hospital after never regaining consciousness. Police were called to the scene around 5:30 pm on September 20 last year after dozens of witnesses saw the unprovoked assault culminate in the death of the Mount Airy resident. “This was over him asking him for a dollar bill. Now, obviously there was some degree of dialogue that occurred after that and it was negative dialogue, who said what? We don’t know at this point in time. The sheriff is still asking for people to come forward. This was not about the knockout game…this was all over kids asking for a dollar and there was something that broke bad after that,” Smith said. Smith then added: “There’s been a lot of people on social media, wanting them to be tried as adults. I can tell you I don’t make the law, I just prosecute people who break it. So the law does not permit states attorneys offices across the state of Maryland to charge a juvenile as an adult with manslaughter, with second-degree murder, with first-degree assault.” The teen’s attorney Stacey Steinmetz and Judge Julie Stevenson Solt both agreed to make the case closed to the public, given the teenager’s past contained details too sensitive to be publicized. The pair also agreed to drop a second assault charge handed to the teenager after a plea agreement was reached, reported Frederick News Post. Judge Solt then demanded for the unnamed 16-year-old to complete an anger management course, among other commitments, and to be placed on probation. A follow-up deposition has been scheduled later this year to ascertain whether the teenager has complied with his probation agreement. Prosecutors had initially pushed for the teens responsible to be tried as adults and for the case to be moved to an adult court, but the court denied the motions. “I think what that tells you is there is some concern about this young man’s ability to complete rehabilitation programs out in the community,” Smith said. “It’s tough to not want some measure of punishment for this young man, but in the juvenile system that’s certainly not the ultimate goal; it’s rehabilitation.” “I think that the judge ruled fairly and with compassion for all the parties involved … we want to move forward, I think justice succeeded in this matter and I express sympathy to the family of Mr. Weed,” Steinmetz said after the hearing. “All along my client and his family have expressed sympathy and regret. I think [both families] have acted with compassion towards one another.” The perpetrator’s younger brother, who was also involved in the fatal beating, pleaded guilty to a single charge of manslaughter in April, and was “ordered to remain in a juvenile detention facility to complete a behavioral modification program,” according to Frederick News Post.

    If whites had done any of the above to blacks well there would have been riots … wait … there are riots! Some are arguing that the tipping point to civil war has now been reached:

     Australia, which depends for its security upon America remaining intact, should put economic issues on the back burner and start thinking hard about how they will survive the wild world now coming. Or, learn Chinese, fast.



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