Only in Sweden? White Pathology Rules the West By Michael Ferguson

     The white pathology of the West continues:

     In Sweden a so-called Christian church collects money for the building of a mosque:

“The planned common building is called “God’s house” and is estimated to cost 39 million, an amount the church is now attempting to collect through a foundation. Critics have questioned whether the church should really build mosques and if it should instead focus on the Christian faith. The plans to build this so-called “God’s house” in Fisksätra, Nacka municipality in southern Stockholm, began to be formulated in 2009. Fisksätra is an immigrant area with a large Muslim population. The following year, the pastor and former bishop of Karlstad, Bengt Wadensjö, presented the project in a debate article in Svenska Dagbladet. He initially refers to the Swedish Democrats: “When the fear of the unknown, in the form of Islam in Sweden, gives a profile in the news flow with the Social Democrats political party taking place in the parliament, I want to highlight a completely different picture of Sweden. Jimmie Åkesson wrote in the Aftonbladet on October 20, 2009 that ‘the Muslims are our biggest foreign threat’.

In Nacka, we do not think immigrants or Muslims would be a threat. They are an asset. ” Bengt Wadensjö said that Muslims and Christians were united in the sense that God is one and that “Muslims are generally peaceful and honest” and that the project would mean “world peace begins in Fisksätra”. The idea is that the mosque will be built next to the church and united with it through a jointly locked foyer. The Muslim Assembly has bought the land needed at the cost of 300,000, an amount that will not be paid until the project is completed. Criticism against the plans has been loud and powerful.. As soon as the project was announced, the decision to set up a fundraising foundation was appealed to Stockholm’s chapter of judgment, stating that it was indeed contrary to the basic task of the Church of Sweden.”

     At least there is some opposition. Yet, as this story shows, even in Germany where mass immigration is destroying the welfare system, the majority of Germans still go with it:

     Nevertheless, Germany is a country that has been subjected to non-stop pc propaganda. The situation in freer countries like Italy and the US gives us hope, for otherwise our only hope would be, that this all ends quickly, taking the enemy down the sink  with it:

     Israel, as usual, leads the world in common sense defence of its nation, this time constructing an underwater fence, a great engineering project:

“The Defense Ministry has started construction on an underwater barrier, which will stretch from the southern Israeli community of Zikim out into the Mediterranean to stave off Hamas infiltration by sea. According to Erez Cohen, the head of the Defense Ministry’s Engineering and Construction Department, the work is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The barrier is made up of three layers, including one below sea level, a layer of armored stone and a third layer with barbed wire. In addition, a fence will surround the breakwater to provide a final measure of security. The length and depth of the barrier have not been revealed.

 “This is the only barrier of its kind in the world, which will effectively block the possibility of infiltrating into Israel via the sea... This will further thwart Hamas’s loss of strategic capabilities,” said Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman. The decision to build an upgraded naval barrier was decided upon after five Hamas frogmen tried to infiltrate Kibbutz Zikim during Operation Protective Edge in 2014. Armed with automatic weapons, fragmentation grenades and several types of explosive devices, they were engaged and killed by the IDF in a combined attack from the sea, ground and air.”

     Nations need to learn from this excellent example of national self-defence.



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