On the Great White Replacement By Chris Knight (Florida)

The decline of whites across the West, especially the US, is accelerating. Some comments about this plight will be given. First, let’s hear from Jim Goad, for this worst week ever, which is every week.


Census: White Americans Finally Become Less Than 3/5ths of a Nation

Remember when that fat alcoholic woman-killer Ted Kennedy assured us that the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 wouldn’t alter the nation’s demographics?

Well, he was either dumb or lying — probably both.

In 1965, the USA was 84% non-Hispanic white. According to recently released Census Bureau estimates as reported by the Brookings Institution, America’s quotient of non-Hispanic whites dipped down to a holding-on-for-dear-life 59.7% in 2020.

So the same nation that once counted slaves as 3/5ths of a person is now a nation where whites aren’t even 3/5ths of its people:

These new estimates show annual population changes by race and ethnicity between July 2010 and July 2020. They indicate that, for each year since 2016, the nation’s white population dropped in size. Thus, all of U.S. population growth from 2016 to 2020 comes from gains in people of color.

An even more significant and startling fact is that in 2020, America’s under-18 population was, for the first time in the nation’s history, majority nonwhite.

Whites were the only racial group that suffered a net loss in population over the past decade. The fastest-growing group was Hispanics, and not primarily due to immigration — their net gains from prodigious breeding were more than three times higher than their increases from border-hopping.

Combine a decrease in the white population and exploding nonwhite numbers with the ceaseless and ever-increasing anti-white propaganda, and you have a recipe for catastrophe. But the Brookings Institution assures us that “the small loss in the white population need not be viewed in a negative light.”

People who write things such as that belong in an institution.”


Well, people like that run the institutions Jim! If that is not the Great Replacement, I will walk to China, over the water too. But, even more incredible, this demographic replacement is going to be peachy cream according to some intellectuals, as if all has been well six months into the Beijing Biden regime’s program for this so far.


“In recent years, demographers and pundits have latched on to the idea that, within a generation, the United States will inevitably become a majority-minority nation, with nonwhite people outnumbering white people. In the minds of many Americans, this ethno-racial transition betokens political, cultural, and social upheaval, because a white majority has dominated the nation since its founding. But our research on immigration, public opinion, and racial demography reveals something quite different: By softening and blurring racial and ethnic lines, diversity is bringing Americans together more than it is tearing the country apart.”


Really? What about all the data on increased diversity leading to an erosion of social trust, and resultant conflict? Anyway, it does not take much effort to find counters to this, even from mainstream sources, let alone doing any deep racial deconstruction from the Right. Let’s run with a mainstream source that indicates that not all is well in the American “paradise.” How about the return to segregation under multiculturalism for starters?


“The integration battles of the Civil Rights era happened more than half a century ago, but the U.S. is getting more, not less, segregated, as that past recedes.

More than 80% of large metropolitan areas in the United States were more segregated in 2019 than they were in 1990, according to an analysis of residential segregation released Monday by the Othering & Belonging Institute at the University of California-Berkeley. The U.S. has become more diverse over time, which has obscured the persistence of segregation, the report finds. Metropolitan areas aren’t all-white, all-Black, or all-Latino, but within metropolitan areas, the different races are clustered in segregated neighborhoods, creating social and economic divisions that can fuel unrest.

“The U.S. continues to be a place of segregation, not integration,” says Stephen Menendian, assistant director at the Othering & Belonging Institute, which studies the roots of social and economic inequality in the United States.

The report breaks new ground by looking at how the racial makeup of census tracts differs significantly from the racial makeup of the larger metropolitan area that surround them. Areas may appear to be integrated because they are home to many different racial groups, when in fact those groups live completely apart. The city of Detroit is 80% Black, for instance, while Grosse Pointe, a suburb that shares a border with the city, is 90% white.

"You really cannot name any significant social injustice problem in the United States that's not undergirded by residential housing segregation."

Detroit is the most segregated city in the U.S., according to the report, followed by Hialeah, Fla., in Miami-Dade County, and then Newark, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Cleveland. Only two of the 113 cities with populations of 200,000 or more qualified as integrated—Colorado Springs, Colo., and St. Lucie, Fla. Many of the more integrated regions are areas with military bases, the researchers said—because segregation is so prevalent, it takes a concerted government effort to bring different races together.

The COVID-19 pandemic underscored some of the consequences of residential segregation, as Black Americans living in segregated cities like Detroit and Chicago died at a higher rate than people of other races in the same cities.

But even before the pandemic, research showed that the neighborhood where children grow up shapes how likely they are to go to college and to make more money than their parents. It determines their access to medical care and good schools.

Integration is good for everyone: children who grow up in multiracial surroundings tend to be less anxious about racial differences, more empathetic and more caring about others. White people who grow up in highly segregated communities of color have lower incomes than white people who grow up in highly segregated white neighborhoods. Black children raised in highly segregated communities of color make $4,000 less per year than Black children raised in white neighborhoods, and $1,000 less than those raised in integrated neighborhoods, the Berkeley analysis found.

“You really cannot name any significant social injustice problem in the United States that’s not undergirded by residential housing segregation,” says Craig Gurian, the executive director of the Anti-Discrimination Center, which links

The report’s conclusion may not be surprising in a country still reckoning with the persistence of systemic racial disparities laid bare by the death of George Floyd last year. But as many affluent Americans get the freedom to work remotely and live where they like in the aftermath of the pandemic, it calls into question whether the country will only get more segregated as wealthy people flee cities for suburbs.

If nothing else, the report shows that efforts to integrate most of America’s housing—like efforts to integrate its schools—have fallen short. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 prohibited discrimination in the sale or rental of housing on the basis of race, but it had few provisions that would force integration in the same way the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision did. Its one shot was a provision that directed the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to “affirmatively further fair housing.” Cities using federal money to build public housing were supposed to try to place at least some of that public housing in diverse neighborhoods.

There wasn’t really a way to enforce that until 2015, when an Obama-era rule required that communities evaluate the presence of fair housing and segregation in their communities. It came after a 2015 Supreme Court case that found that the state of Texas erred in placing affordable housing in highly segregated neighborhoods. But the Trump administration shelved the Obama-era rule, and while Biden restored it, it’s not likely that it will move the needle on integration.

"This country is still in dire shape."

Systemic racial factors have long hampered residential integration. White communities kept out affordable housing through zoning laws that prohibited the construction of multifamily or affordable housing. These laws made housing expensive, which meant that Black Americans, long deprived of the right to build wealth through real estate because of redlining, and excluded from educational and employment opportunities, were kept out. Though there were small-scale programs to help Black families move into majority white neighborhoods, they couldn’t reverse centuries of economic inequality.

These attempts to maintain segregation continue today, says Gurian, who is currently litigating a case against New York City over the way it allegedly perpetuates segregation in its housing lottery system. “Jurisdictions themselves know very well that they are segregated,” he said. “The absence of change is not, for them, an absence of information, it’s an absence of will.”

There are about 20 towns in Westchester County, just north of New York City, that are just 3% Black, he says. Meanwhile, in the San Francisco Bay Area, 80 % of the land is zoned for single-family housing.

There are few big policy ideas that could immediately reverse this segregation. Some cities, including Berkeley, have eradicated single-family zoning, making it easier for developers to build more housing within city limits. In practice, that should allow the construction of more housing, which would lower housing prices and allow for a more diverse population. But Berkeley will have to build an almost unimaginable amount of new housing to make prices affordable—a two-bedroom apartment currently rents for almost $3,000, according to the real estate site Zumper.

As the events of the last year indicated, this segregation and inequality could lead to even more unrest. “This country is still in dire shape,” Menendian warns. “The uprisings of the last few years are not going to die down as long as we have a deeply racially unjust and racially segregated society.”

Of course, the events of 2020 and the BLM riots refute the idea that there will be a happy multiracial society produced. Multiracial, but torn with even more conflicts than now. And all that assumes that there are no radical declines in resources, or World War III, or nuclear attacks upon the West, or civil war.



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