On Giving Refugees Everything. Why Not? By Richard Miller

     Thanks for this item from a German friend, who lives in fear. It looks like the next big thing in Euro-White dispossession is to give up one’s home:

“The influx of refugees from the Middle East in 2015 has resulted in significant friction in many European countries, as citizens increasingly express their displeasure at the need to spend tax money on migrants, as well as concern over security issues. This has led to growing support for right-wing parties across Europe, including Austria. Aras Bacho, a Syrian refugee living in Austria, has suggested in an open letter published in the daily newspaper OE24 that ordinary Austrians and Germans should participate in the integration process of migrants. According to him, integration requires "both sides to work," meaning that Germans and Austrians should take refugees into their homes, as well as to live and go out with them.

"Austrians have to take refugees into their own homes — this benefits both sides. [Integration] works when refugees live with Austrians. They can talk, or an Austrian can read an official letter to a refugee and then explain it in simpler language. […] They can go outdoors or to a swimming pool together," Bacho wrote, adding that the same goes for Germans. The man added that communication like that helps refugees to "get smarter" and learn the language. However, in his opinion, communication is not the only thing that Germans and Austrians can help migrants with. He notes that taxes paid by citizens to support refugees are not donations, as they are mandatory. Bacho believes that Germans and Austrians should pay voluntary donations to be truly humane. He goes on to cite Jesus from the Bible to underscore his point. "All Christians should naturally know that Jesus said 'give men in need your home and all your money.' As you can see, not all Christians adhere to this guideline," he said.”

     Well, no, actually Jesus did not say that like some sort of creepy communist. That is more Karl Marx’s line. What Jesus said is: “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” Matthew 19: 29. It is crazy to suppose that this supports any sort of communism suggested by the bunny rabbit in the above discussion. The claim is solely about those making a sacrifice to follow Jesus and His way, and the rewards that will come of eternal life. Applied to the non-Christian refugees, wouldn’t that  mean that they would have to first become Christians?



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