Obviously the Elites Don’t Want Us to Breed By Mrs Vera West

     A new book (published March 21, 2017), by Jancee Dunn, How Not to Hate Your Husband After Kids:http://www.slate.com/articles/life/family/2017/05/happy_mother_s_day_you_will_hate_your_husband_after_having_a_baby.html
https://www.amazon.com/Hate-Your-Husband-After-Kids/dp/0316267104, probably should have been called: Don’t Get married, Or Don’t have Kids. Here is a sample of what to expect in reading this book, from an extract at Slate.com:

“Perhaps the single most widely cited piece of research on marriage and children comes from couples’ therapists John and Julie Gottman, who found that 67 percent of couples are less satisfied with their marriages after having a baby. A 2009 study of first-time parents in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that a scant 7 percent of mothers reported feeling more satisfied with their marriage, compared with 15 percent of fathers. (As of now, the available research is much more robust for heterosexual couples.) Many factors conspire to shorten a new parent’s fuse: hallucinatory fatigue, zigzagging hormones, a fraught learning curve, and, as one paper I read noted succinctly, “increased interactions with medical professionals.”

Then there is the issue about sleep and gender roles:

“All the advice for new parents about sleep schedules and burping techniques would be much more helpful if the belligerence of the early days of parenthood was more openly addressed—as well as how gendered that unhappiness often is. Take the contested terrain of sleep deprivation. Researchers from the U.K.’s Mindlab International found that while a baby’s cry was the No. 1 sound most likely to wake a woman, it didn’t even figure into the male top ten, lagging behind car alarms and strong wind. They theorized that these differing sensitivities may have an evolutionary basis: Women are more attuned to threats to their offspring while men are more responsive to threats to the clan (e.g., the Toyota being jacked in the night).
Social psychologists say that men simply feel more entitled than women to take leisure time.
If women are breastfeeding, they typically wake two to three times a night to nurse, which wreaks havoc with their REM sleep cycle. When children move past babyhood, working moms are still 2½ times as likely as working fathers to interrupt their sleep to take care of others. This is not the case with fathers: Earlier this year, researchers from Georgia Southern University found that while women with children were getting insufficient sleep, the presence of children had no effect whatsoever on men’s sleeping patterns.”

Shock! Horror! Get men to wake up and feed babies, if the mother is not breast feeding.
The point here is that until recently in human history none of this would be of any significance, it was just the way mother nature had planned things. Feminism and globalist liberalism will have none of this, and to get women to be part of the consumer workforce, it is necessary to twist and turn natural roles. But, I suspect that nature is not so easily defeated, and will outlive the regime of political correctness.



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