Now They Sue Alex Jones for all the Money in the Universe! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Big Pharma vaccine companies, according to some Covid vax critics may be responsible for millions of deaths and injuries. And, it looks like they will get away with what has been called, “the crime of the century.” And in fact, the mainstream media has produced masses of false news over the Covid issue which has harmed millions, and in many cases led to suicides, through an uncritical acceptance of lockdowns. So, are they going to be made accountable? Well, the precedence now exists, so the decision is a double-edged sword. Claiming an impossible sum of money against Alex Jones, more than any individual, or corporation on Earth has, is just the beginning. Clearly, shock jocks need to be more careful in reporting these stories with possible mass plaintiffs.

“Lawyers for Sandy Hook families, who were recently awarded a billion dollar compensatory judgment against radio host Alex Jones, are now seeking the “highest possible” amount in punitive damages totaling $2.75 trillion in hopes to take Jones off the air forever.

The cartoonishly large amount, which supposedly factors in 550 million “social media exposures” that Infowars would have generated on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook in the three years following the mass shooting and multiplies it by $5,000, was reported by Bloomberg News Friday.

More from Bloomberg:

Sandy Hook families asked a Connecticut judge to order Alex Jones to pay $2.75 trillion in damages in addition to the almost $1 billion a jury awarded for defamation, claiming only “the highest possible punitive damages,” will stop the Infowars host from continuing to harm them.

The families said they’re entitled to the amount because Jones broke a state law barring the sale of products using false statements. They reached the sum by multiplying the state law’s $5,000 per-violation fine by the 550 million social media exposures Jones’s audience received on his Facebook, YouTube and Twitter accounts in the three years following a school shooting that claimed the lives of 20 first graders and six educators in 2012.


“Alex Jones perpetrates this attack for one reason: greed,” the families’ lawyers said in the filing Friday. “Alex Jones will never treat them like real people, because they are too valuable to him as targets. “

“At this point, the plaintiffs lawyers are merely headline chasing,” Jones’ lawyer Norm Pattis responded on Twitter. “They must think the ambulances they are chasing are made of platinum. It makes the law look like a game of chance. Shame on them.”

Reports on the latest astronomical sum – larger than the GDPs of most countries – come as a one billion dollar judgment was handed down against Jones earlier this month, despite Infowars filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Attorneys for Jones, who was found guilty by default in two Sandy Hook cases in Texas and Connecticut respectively – violating his right to a fair trial – have vowed to appeal the rulings.”

“ When will the media officials who heralded America’s pointless invasion of Iraq, laundering dubious intel to manipulate the masses in the immediate aftermath of the September 11 attacks, be forced to pay? To this day, these cretins have not endured professional consequences for their actions; they continue to hold privileged positions in society, ironically lecturing the masses on “democracy” and “human rights” after spending the heydays of their respective careers making a mockery of both.

Members of the corporate media continue to peddle similarly harmful falsehoods every day. They never atoned for relentlessly pushing the Trump-is-a-Russian-asset conspiracy theory, which put anything Jones has ever said to shame in terms of its absurdity. They impugned the reputations of hundreds of top U.S. officials, including President Trump himself, and have never admitted wrongdoing, much less been forced to pay a cent. This evidences a double standard: independent figures like Jones are held to one standard of scrutiny, while “journalists” working for deep state propaganda outlets like MSNBC are held to another.

In our age of ever-increasing Orwellian repression, anyone who deviates from the deep state narrative must be castigated, rebuked, scorned, and canceled. Free speech has been replaced as a value by political correctness, with strict thought control from the social media mob enforcing this new regime. It requires moral fortitude to defend the First Amendment rights of someone who makes odious remarks, as Jones clearly has. But even if Jones’ opinions were based on falsehoods and did result in animus fomenting against the Sandy Hook parents, it is his right as a free American to speak freely and, one can argue, speaking freely is an obligation of all journalists covering current events.

Questioning the circumstances related to school shootings is a service that intrepid members of the media provide to the public. Doing so recklessly, as Jones did, has damaged the credibility of this type of analysis. Government cowards have castigated Jones because challenges to official narratives make their lives harder. Oftentimes, corruption gets swept under the rug in the blind rush to blame firearms. School administrators and law enforcement professionals who were derelict in their duty to protect children skirt blame and demonize the Second Amendment rather than facilitating rational and critical analysis of events.

The Parkland, Florida school shooting of 2018 was exacerbated by a cowardly law enforcement officer who sat in his car instead of responding to the threat. The Uvalde, Texas school shooting earlier this year saw cops doddering around and treating parents like terror threats while a vicious psychopath murdered children. Blood stains each one of those law enforcement professionals’ hands. Jones touches the third rail, ascribing these actions to malevolent, grandiose plots when the actual circumstances are far more banal. But his questioning inspires a sentiment that the deep state would rather see excised from the public consciousness: Government officials cannot always keep you safe, tend to be incompetent, and, in crisis scenarios, can make a tragedy so much worse. 

Additionally, friends and family members of mass shooting victims often leverage the tragic event to catapult themselves to media stardom. One of the most odious examples of this is David Hogg, the Parkland High School student who did not hesitate to use his dead classmates as stepping stones for his (or perhaps his Fed father’s) national political ambitions. When the Sandy Hook parents chose to go on television and became nationally recognizable media figures, they became fodder for media commentators, like Jones, for better or worse. When these same parents went on the campaign trail to blame the Second Amendment for the shooting and lobby for gun control, they placed themselves in the public eye and therefore waived defamation protections reserved for private citizens.

Alex Jones commented on a news item, referenced public figures, and reacted to already-existing media artifacts about the Sandy Hook shooting. Conspiracy videos about Sandy Hook were going viral without any promotional assistance from Jones’ platform. There is no evidence that Jones ever engaged in personal harassment of any person negatively impacted by the Sandy Hook tragedy. There is no record of profits he received from expressing his opinions on Sandy Hook. There is nothing showing damages, other than feelings of offense, to Sandy Hook parents because of anything Jones said. A jury, spurred on by deep state antagonists and their media lackeys, railroaded Jones. The effort to attack him is part of a broader war against the rule of law.

To see the bigger picture, one must connect the Jones case to the ongoing probes of President Donald J. Trump, which have continued despite a total lack of evidence. Connect the Jones case to Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs being unleashed on the masses with near-total impunity while January 6 peaceful protesters are kept in disgraceful conditions and solitary confinement and denied a speedy trial. Connect it to recent raids on pro-life activists who stand against the murder of babies and to individuals regularly charged for defending their life and their property against shameless predators. The dichotomy in treatment bestowed on those whom the regime favors and those it disfavors has created a new standard of justice antithetical to American values. Like “Big Guy” Joe Biden himself, it feigns lip service to “democracy” while gleefully and mercilessly punishing its political enemies.

Given the new precedent set by Jones’ trial, what will stop activist lawyers from harassing and persecuting those who called out the bevy of abnormalities, improprieties, and third-world gangsterism that occurred in the 2020 presidential election? Surely such ambulance chasers will find corrupt officials willing to call out legitimate questions of competence as “disinformation” that has caused reputational harm, threats, and anguish. Such cowards will demand an astronomical cash payment and seek to silence anyone who questions them.

What will stop these same lawyers from corralling left-wing extremists who blame COVID-19 deaths on those who spoke out against lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and other authoritarian measures foisted on Americans by out-of-touch deep state elites and demanding monetary compensation because a biased judge and jury determine that “disinformation” about the efficaciousness of muzzles is to blame for tying “Dr.” Fauci’s discredited hands?

The answer to both of these questions, in the wake of the Alex Jones case, is absolutely nothing.”





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