Now it is “Climate Murder”! By James Reed

The idea was canvassed last year about tackling the so-called climate crisis with the introduction of murder charges against the alleged carbon polluters, causing supposed deaths from climate change:

"Now, researchers are promoting a new legal theory that says fossil fuel companies – which, data show, are the leading contributors to planet-heating pollution – could be tried for homicide for climate-related deaths.

The radical idea, first proposed last year by consumer advocacy non-profit Public Citizen, may sound far-fetched, but it's gaining interest from experts and public officials.

"We've been really excited to see the curiosity, interest and support these ideas have garnered from members of the legal community, including from both former and current federal, state and local prosecutors," said Aaron Regunberg, senior policy counsel with Public Citizen's climate program.

"Criminal law is how we say what is right and wrong in our society," said David Arkush, who directs Public Citizen's climate program and co-authored the paper on the proposal. "I think it's important that some of the most damaging conduct in human history be squarely recognized and pursued as criminal."

There are a range of statutes that could criminalize fossil fuel companies' climate conduct, the researchers say. Many of the civil claims facing oil companies, such as conspiracy and racketeering, have criminal counterparts, and other laws could be used to criminalize conduct that could inflict future harms, such as reckless endangerment. But the claim that could capture the sector's gravest harms, the researchers say, is homicide."

The problem here is that it is not just oil companies who are the alleged carbon polluters, so called, but ordinary people, even socialist environmentalists who are using the products of oil. Perhaps these lawyers may drive electric cars, but many parts of that car are plastic, made from fossil fuels. Their computers and entire intellectual environment are based around fossil fuels, as is present civilisation.

Thus, while the climate murder idea is insane, we have seen much insanity associated with climate change hysteria, such as the attack upon farming, so we can expect to see this coming.

"If shutting down oil pipelines, banning fracking and punishing automobile manufacturers for their "carbon footprint" wasn't enough, the left-wing climate change activists are now looking to use their hysterical conjecture and authoritarian climate lawfare to end the oil industry as we know it and make Americans dependent on an electric vehicle grid.

"Climate murder" charges are coming

To accomplish this, left-wing climate activists (who believe the world is ending if we don't stop carbon emissions) are introducing a new concept called "CLIMATE MURDER." Under this authoritarian new rule, oil companies can be accused of second-degree murder when temperatures rise in the summer, leading to inevitable heat-related deaths.

If accepted as precedent, the same "climate murder" conjecture can apply to deaths that result from other natural weather phenomenon such as tornadoes, earthquakes, lightning, flash-flooding, wildfires and hurricanes.

It's typical leftist logic. It's no different than when Democrats blame law-abiding gun owners for the heinous acts of school shooters. It's no different than blaming guns for acts committed by individuals with criminal intent. It's no different than new gun laws that restrict the freedoms of people who did not commit the crime. Leftists have repeatedly said they want to prosecute the National Rifle Association for criminal acts that they do not commit.

Of course, the hysterical left never calls for justice when a pharmaceutical product is directly linked to a person's death. Instead, the Democrats mandate that people take poison, and believe they will never be held accountable for forcing people to take shots that injure and kill people.

Prosecutors are looking to blame heat waves on oil companies and make them responsible for deaths

Former federal prosecutor Cindy Cho was one of the first to advocate for second-degree murder prosecutions against major fossil fuel companies. Her outlandish opinion comes in response to the deadly heat wave that ravaged Maricopa County, Arizona, in July 2023, claiming the lives of 403 residents.

The premise of Cho's argument is chillingly straightforward: Big Oil, alongside other fossil fuel giants, knowingly contributed to the atmospheric carbon buildup that has intensified global temperatures, thereby directly contributing to extreme weather events like the Arizona heat wave. This, she contends, amounts to culpable recklessness akin to second-degree murder under the law.

If these prosecutors get their way, they will be able to breakup the entire energy infrastructure, sending oil executives to prison, levying fines that will make it all but impossible to continue drilling and providing affordable gas and diesel. Of course, this will absolutely collapse our economy and destroy American civilization, leaving tens of millions of families unable to afford food and transportation.

Public Citizen released a memo detailing the legal foundations for such prosecutions. The memo claims that prosecuting fossil fuel companies for climate-related deaths is not only morally justified but also legally feasible. They urge local prosecutors to initiate criminal investigations into these corporations' roles in climate-related fatalities.

Bill McKibben, a prominent climate activist, added fuel to the fire, stating, "What's happened to the climate is a crime." McKibben argues that fossil fuel companies, despite clear warnings from the scientific community, continued to exacerbate climate change unabatedly, resulting in a mounting death toll and shattered futures. In the medical community, there are talks of adding "climate change" to death certificates. One study blames a certain level of human breathing for generating enough carbon emissions to kill someone.

However, not everyone shares these outlandish, hysterical perspectives on weather, temperature and death. Marc Morano of Climate Depot dismissed these calls for prosecution as sensationalism, labeling them part of a broader agenda to merge public health concerns with climate change narratives. Morano contends that attributing "climate homicide" to fossil fuel companies overlooks the broader context of human adaptation to climate variability, citing statistics purportedly showing a decline in climate-related deaths since 1920, thanks in part to technological advancements fuelled by fossil fuels." 



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