Not Great Anymore Britain: A Paedophilic Racist Paradise By Mrs Vera West

Actionists have been concerned about court decisions relating to the abrogation of the Queen’s power and role, but the rot in the UK is much deeper, for this is a country that has allowed its children to be raped, and worse. A typical story of a country in a one-sided war, that is spiralling down to social collapse:

“A TELFORD child abuse victim has revealed she was raped by more than 500 men from the age of 11. Jennifer - not her real name - recalled being gang raped, often in her school uniform, trafficked, and held at gunpoint.
Her horrific past left her completely lost and broken, prompting her to attempt suicide, reported The Mirror. At age 16, Jennifer feared for her life as one rapist battered her and shoved gravel in her mouth to silence her desperate cries.

She was under constant control of a man who used her for her body until the age of 19. Jennifer claims police refused to get involved in the matter and instead repeatedly arrested her for prostitution from the age of 16 to 19. Yet not one of her abusers has been brought to justice despite multiple reports to police. She told The Mirror: “I must have been raped by more than 500 men. "When I told the police, they told me I’d chosen my lifestyle. I asked to make a statement because I’d been raped and beaten by so many men and I wanted it to stop. "An officer said, ‘You’re a common prostitute. Don’t you think that comes with the job?’ He said a jury would never believe I was a victim of abuse." I must have been raped by more than 500 men. Jennifer, now a mum in her 40s, recalled missing school from 14 to 16 as she was being sexually exploited and beaten by up to 10 men a night. She added: "My life was a living hell, I felt so alone. When I took an overdose, the ambulance driver refused to go home because I was on my own. She sat at my bedside, crying.” Her nightmare began when she moved to Telford in Shropshire in the late 1980s aged 11. She recalled: "I was desperate to fit in with other girls, who had boyfriends. I met a lad my age, but he introduced me to his older cousin and everything spiralled from there. His friends started gang raping me.”

During her living hell, a social worker visited Jennifer but says she barely asked her any questions about what was going on in her life. When Jennifer tried to return to class, she claims a teacher told her she was wasting her time because she had missed too many lessons. After quitting school, the teen was targeted by an older man who would control her for the next four years of her life. He also locked me in a flat with iron bars, for three or four days. I was told the police thought I’d been abducted but they did nothing. She recalled a particular incident, in which the man drove her around the country while forcing her into sex with other men. She said she was driven to the Midlands and was made to watch as an older girl was sold for sex. Jennifer recalled being in her school uniform at the time, before being arrested shortly afterwards in the same town. She claims if she refused to obey orders, she would be beaten up by the man who was controlling her. Jennifer said that she once suffered a beating so bad that she choked on her own blood – then he told her she would have to pay for a new carpet. She adds: “He also locked me in a flat with iron bars, for three or four days. I was told the police thought I’d been abducted but they did nothing.” West Mercia Police told the Mirror Jennifer’s case collapsed as officers couldn't identify the offenders – but said they would conduct an investigation “if more information were to come to light”.

As many as 1,000 children are feared to have been drugged and abused by perverts in Telford, Shropshire, since the 1980s — but their hell went on for decades as authorities repeatedly failed to stamp out a network of paedophiles in the town. The number of victims estimated by child abuse experts means there could have been more per head of population than in the scandals that rocked Rochdale and Rotherham in recent years.
Social workers were said to have known about the offending as far back as the 1990s, but it took cops a decade to launch a probe. And it is claimed files show council staff regarded children who were abused and trafficked as prostitutes rather than victims.”

     The UK is finished. It is hard to believe that it was once “Great.”



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