Neo-Marxism, the Real Culture of Critique By James Reed

I had a copy of Professor MacDonald’s The Culture of Critique, but unfortunately the rats ate much of it, as I stored my books in the leaky carport of my Russian neighbour, which is a home for most of the rodents of Melbourne.  But he says the eating of rats   is good, compared to what he had to eat in Russia during the USSR period. So, I can’t check the book, and did not find a pirated copy on the internet, which I would never use anyway, being a believer in the sacredness of private property, any departure of which would be communist, but I seem to recall that Kev pinned the blame upon the Frankfurt School, which on first reading put me off frankfurts, which I did like, boiled up. Anyway, to focus, there is a case that the problem is with Marxism in general, and the entire Leftist Weltanschauung, points also made in another blog post, overlapping with this one.

"Herland Report: The neo-Marxist New Left 1960s revolution: These days universities are the main halls of the neo-Marxist, progressive propaganda that engulfs society and tears down Western stability.

It has become a worldwide tendency for neo-Marxist socialists to team up with the 1 % richest capitalists in the world.

This is where students learn not to think freelynot to respect the historical traditions that built the West as a strong civilization.

Universities are rather where the young are taught how to become obedient to the elites who seem to aim at destroying diversity, plurality and the respect for religious freedom, writes historian Hanne Herland at The Christian Post, USA.

For the New Left, neo-Marxist to win the culture war, it was vital to discriminate against the majority views, push for minority take over. Divide and Conquer.

 How the neo-Marxist New Left destabilized the West: We have largely completed the Karl Marx objective in The Communist Manifesto from 1848, namely, to “melt the solid into air.”

The bourgeoise Marx, who portrayed himself as proletar, the father of Marxism, opposed the feudal, landowner structures in the class struggle he is so famous for.

A revolutionary bourgeoisie was idealized, in a sense, as a means to override the much criticized feudalism with a new class.

This new class were to take control both over the economic structures, the political power and the nation state.

The neo-Marxist New Left 1960s revolution: It is precisely what culminated in the implementation of the 1960s New Left social revolution, in which traditional values were abolished and a new set of atheist ideals implemented.

The Christian commandments were scrapped, the very values that once made the West great.

These ideals emphasized trustworthiness, honesty, fidelity, personal responsibility, humility, moderation and “to love one another”.

Selfishness was regarded as a vice, hedonism as a flaw, the very ideals hailed as the road to atheist freedom today.

Marriage as a vital institution in society was dropped. Hedonism and the pursuit of pleasure implemented as well as the surge for legalizing drugs.

Which fitted, by the way, the capitalists who could pursue the billion-dollar drug industry with the help of the neo-Marxists.”



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