Music and the Brain By Mrs Vera West

     When one is engaged in fighting psycho-political warfare all day, some down time is necessary to recharge failing mental batteries. Music helps, but not the cacophony of modern music, if that is what it can be called. Classic music is what is needed and evidence indicates that music can alter your brain structure in useful ways:

“There are many activities and lifestyle choices that have neurological benefits and promote overall brain health. One of these is listening to music, which a Scottish study revealed can be beneficial to special kinds of motor rehabilitation programs, such as stroke. The researchers published their findings in the medical journal Brain and Cognition in 2017. The study involved a team of science and health experts from the University of Edinburgh’s Institute for Music in Human and Social Development, Clinical Research Imaging Center, the Leiden University, and Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences. They recruited thirty right-handed volunteers for their investigation which divided the participants into two groups: the music group and the control (non-music) group. The first group used musical cues to learn a new task involving a sequence of finger movements with the non-dominant, left hand.

The group did the task without music. They were observed for a month and performed equally well at learning their sequences. However, MRI scans showed that the music group registered an increase in structural connectivity on the right side of the brain while the non-music group remained unaltered. The researchers discovered more connectivity between regions in the brain that process sound and control. They believe that their findings could serve as a platform for future research into rehabilitation for patients who have lost some degree of movement control such as those who suffered a stroke. The interdisciplinary project is a breakthrough in brain research for opening doors to the role of musical cues in learning a new motor task and its link to changes in white structure in the brain. Larger studies could explore the positive impact of music on motor rehabilitation programs such as post-stroke care.”

     Music therapy is relevant to more people that just those who have had strokes; music seems to aid in children’s brain development, as well as for older people:

     I imagine that the dark side of this is that not all music does this, and that the elites are primarily using popular music to dumb down the young lamb sheeple, even more. Not a single stone must be left unturned.

“In 2008, Adrian North of Scotland's Heriot-Watt University published the largest study yet of musical taste, involving 36,000 people, 60 countries and three years of work. He asked each participant to rank their favorite genres of music. He discovered that the most common characteristic among all genre listeners was creativity. However, one group of listeners showed a genuine and significant lack of creativity: pop music lovers. That doesn't necessarily mean that stupid people love pop — just that pop trains us to expect less from our artistic and creative lives. Music can nourish our minds like almost nothing else, so when a mega-industry is devoted to selling the least inspired music they can, they're short-changing all of us. A survey of other research on music reveals that pop music has gotten worse over the last 50 years. Not only that, it's been used to brainwash listeners through predatory marketing strategies across all media channels.”




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