More on 5 G and the Coronavirus By Brian Simpson

     I have been looking into material linking the coronavirus and 5 G technology, because, well I am a technophobe and Luddite. How about this one for a connection?

“Is 5G to partially blame for coronavirus deaths? Can 5G cause the blood that’s circulating in your body to be unable to carry oxygen? What’s especially horrifying about the critical care of coronavirus patients is that they aren’t suffering from “viral pneumonia,” but rather from an inability to absorb or carry oxygen in the blood. This has been confirmed by NYC ICU emergency physician Cameron Kyle-Sidell, who has released several videos detailing how coronavirus is not a kind of viral pneumonia. “We’re treating the wrong disease,” he says. And the ventilators are damaging the lungs of patients. He explains: COVID-19 lung disease, as far as I can see, is not a pneumonia and should not be treated as one. Rather, it appears as if some kind of viral-induced disease most resembling high altitude sickness. Is it as if tens of thousands of my fellow New Yorkers are on a plane at 30,000 feet at the cabin pressure is slowly being let out. These patients are slowly being starved of oxygen. What this emergency room physician makes clear is that coronavirus patients are dying from oxygen deprivation, not a classic scenario of viral pneumonia. The patients’ lungs work fine, in other words, and the ventilators are actually damaging their lungs by forcing excessive pressure into them.”

     How is it then that a coronavirus sufferer’s lungs “work” but they are still deprived of oxygen?

“When functioning normally, 1 molecule of hemoglobin binds with 4 molecules of oxygen, using iron (Fe2+), forming oxyhemoglobin. But this binding is only achieved because of something called “partial pressure” which means the concentration of oxygen in the lung tissues is higher than the concentration of oxygen on the hemoglobin molecule (roughly stated, this is simplified somewhat), so the oxygen “leaps” to the hemoglobin in order to equalize the partial pressures across the chasm. But 5G radiation alters the porosity of cell membranes, allowing some molecules or ionic elements to move more easily across those members, displacing other molecules (or soluble gasses such as carbon dioxide) that might normally make that leap. For example, it is well documented that 5G radiation causes “Voltage Gated Ion Channels” (VGIC), specifically with calcium ions (VGCC), causing cellular toxicity due to too much calcium entering the cell walls and poisoning the cells.”

     What follows from this hypothesis? It seems that as 5 G and 6 G, and then 7G … move to dominate our world, that we should be seeing is increasingly more of these global health events. No doubt each one will be terrible, and worse than the  one before it. It is enough to make anyone into a Luddite, on health grounds alone, let alone the coming of global digital ID:

“A digital identity for every citizen on the globe has been identified by the World Bank and World Economic Forum as an important part in the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The right to a legal identity is a part of Global Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). An effort to achieve this is the ID2020 Alliance. A Public-Private Partnership between United Nations agencies, World Economic Forum, Foundations and Big Tech-corporations. Their grand goal,  however, raises some concerns about loss of privacy, mass surveillance and population control. It comes with a price that might have severe implications for the freedom of man. ID2020 was founded in New York 2014 by John Edge, an expert on how Public-Private Partnerships can solve the sustainability goals with the help from blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies. The organisation, that was supported by law firm Kaye Scholer, technology conglomerate Red Rose Corporation and the merchant bank Broadhaven, held their first meeting in September 2015. Their stated mission was to give a digital identity to everyone through “leveraging start-up models” and in the end create a system that would span the globe, including the 1 billion people that currently have no proper identification. Their first meeting, coinciding with the adoption of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, was connected to Global Goal 16 with its sub target 9 to “by 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration”. ID2020 got a more solid ground at the United Nations annual summit in May 20, 2016, gathering industry leaders, NGOs, governments, emerging technology pioneers, and cross-industry experts to “foster a global conversation and build a working coalition to identify and build the enabling conditions for the creation of a legal digital identity for all individuals at risk.” Speakers came from The World Bank Group, The European Association for e-Identity & Security, Commonwealth Secretariat, Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity, MIT, PSG Solutions, LLC., Verizon. Several of them were also contributors to the World Economic Forum that has since been a significant player in the development of a Digital ID.”

     The coronavirus pandemic panic has pushed this agenda further, with Bill Gates arguing that a global ID would need to be issued to people cleared of Covid-19, so that they could engage in international travel. Of course, this is totally illusory as any such clean individual could become infected at any time making that reason pointless. But, that was never the globalists’ agenda, for the idea is to get this program in ASAP, thanks to the coronavirus frenzy.



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