More Good News for Us; Bad News for Climate Change Alarmism, By James Reed

This is what all of us who are concerned about climate change alarmism and what to do about it have been waiting for; Trump will pull the US out of the Paris Agreement on Climate change. This document which fits into the Agenda 2030 scenario, attempts to deindustrialise the West, while allowing a so-called "developing country" such as China to freely produce greenhouse gases. It is a load of hot air alright. Trump is thus set to undermine the Agreement which needs the US to set the example: "Trump's forthcoming rejection will undermine the credibility of international efforts to address climate change and simultaneously provide a convenient scapegoat for the multi-decade failure of the United Nations' climate-policy process to do very much about it. But the impending U.S. pullout will also give the 77 low-income and lower-middle-income nations—which account for almost half the global population—the opportunity to abandon a process that has clearly not served them and, indeed, has often justified their continuing impoverishment.

Poor countries dutifully show up at the United Nations' annual COP summits. Climate action is often justified in their name because the global poor are far more vulnerable to climate extremes than the rich. But not only have rich countries failed to deliver, they also now routinely use the specter of catastrophic climate change to deny poor countries the energy technology, infrastructure, and development aid they critically need to escape poverty.

At every year's COP, poor countries ostensibly have an equal voice in a process that has demonstrably failed to cut—or even cap—global emissions. The price for this has been to legitimize Western policies, such as banning development finance for all fossil fuel infrastructure, that keep the global south poor and thus vulnerable to climate impacts. It's not worth it." 



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