Moderna and Type 1 Diabetes By Chris Knight (Florida)

By way of Covid criticisms not as much hell fire and brimstone is heaped upon Moderna as Pfizer by the critics. Yet, there is a story to be told. Like Moderna admitting that its mRNA Covid vaccine caused a case of Type 1 diabetes in a 1-year-old girl in its clinical trial, which was vaccine related. The immediate question striking me is exactly how did the vax cause this, what was the molecular mechanism involved? Type 1 diabetes has not been a significantly recorded adverse effect, so it is odd. The Covid vaxxes never cease to surprise one. Who know what next is in the wings waiting to come on full stage.


URGENT update on yesterday's article; Moderna has very quietly admitted that its mRNA Covid vaccine caused a case of Type 1 diabetes in a 1-year-old girl in its clinical trial

Alex Berenson


In my Substack article yesterday, I wrote Moderna had not published the full results of its mRNA vaccine study in young children, which concluded in February. As I was researching the article, that statement was correct.

But on Wednesday, four months after vaccinations began in young children, the Moderna investigators published the paper in the New England Journal of Medicine. I should have double-checked before running my article.

I apologize for the mistake.

More importantly, deep in the paper’s appendix, Moderna disclosed a case of new-onset Type 1 diabetes in a one-year-old girl that its investigators found was vaccine-related. This is a very serious vaccine-caused side effect that occurred in the trial and as far as I can tell has NEVER been mentioned anywhere else.

On page 62 of the paper’s 68-page appendix, in Table S26, Moderna charts all the side effects reported in the trial, serious or not. The footnotes to the Table S26 contain this note:

“the other SAE [serious adverse event] considered related was new-onset Type 1 diabetes mellitus and diabetic ketoacidosis in a 1-year-old female reported 37 days post dose 2.”

Based on the description in the footnotes, this incident was very dangerous. Diabetic ketoacidosis, or DKA, occurs when the body can no longer rely on its sugars for fuel because of a lack of insulin. Instead, it breaks down fat in an effort to survive, causing acids called ketones to build in the blood. DKA can be fatal if it is not quickly medically managed.

Neither the Centers for Disease Control report nor the Canadian report I wrote about yesterday mentioned this case; it is not clear why. The Moderna investigators also did not mention the case in the paper itself, only the appendix.

Type 1 diabetes occurs when body’s immune system attacks the pancreas and causes it to stop producing insulin. It is most frequently diagnosed in children and teenagers. It can occur and be diagnosed in infants and toddlers, but such diagnoses are very rare. A 1998 British paper found the annual incidence to be about 1 in 15,000 children.

Case reports from Japan and elsewhere have also linked the mRNA shots to the development of Type 1 diabetes in adults.”



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