Mirror, Mirror on the Wall … What is the Biggest Scam of All? By James Reed

There has been an ongoing debate about what is the greatest scam, mega-lies and ultimate deception, pushed upon the human race, in all time. Scams typically masquerade as being some benefit for someone, when in fact the person is being fleeced, like a sheep. Covid and the climate change alarmist hysterics come to mind.

In the short term, the Covid plandemic served the globalists well, accelerating their one world government program by at least a decade. At present Covid has burnt out, and has done its course, but in the wings, in waiting, is bird flu which will carry things forward. The case is made below that climate change wins, and I appreciate the argument. But, really, these two things are simply weapons in the globalist arsenal, and are not really competing, as both are being used to destroy us. The climate change policies are slightly longer terms, and the disease weapon, more immediate in its fear impact.

What do readers think? And does it matter, as we have to fight all of this, in the end?


"Scams can be simply defined as a means for a "grifter" (the beneficiary of the scam) to expropriate a benefit from the "victim".

By now, and by this definition, the non-general population is aware that both COVID and climate pandemics are scams perpetrated by the globalists (the grifters) via their puppet national governments on the citizens (the victims).

In my opinion, it's simply about the money. Others may believe it's also about population reduction. Whatever, it's definitely about control and with that, they can easily meet whatever their objective happens to be.

But which is the biggest scam?

When coming to this conclusion, personally I consider three things:

1.How many people physically suffered (injured or died);

2.The economic cost (to the taxpayer in general and at a personal level);

3.The magnitude of the dupe on the gullible masses.

By these measures, I would rank COVID on point 1. Undeniably, tens of millions of people have died and probably an order of magnitude more have suffered some health detriment as a result of the political policies related to COVID. I believe the relative impact of CLIMATE policies in this respect is significantly lower but impossible to measure.

Although the headline figures of the cost of the COVID response and subsequent economic destruction is huge, over time I think the cost of CLIMATE policies will be greater given the importance of energy in human productivity and progress.

In terms of just how dumb you have to be to continue believing a single word of the official narratives of the two scams, I think CLIMATE wins. The science of virology and immunology (and epidemiology etc…) is understandably beyond the comprehension of most and the propaganda was very strong for COVID.

However, anyone who breathes oxygen produced by plants in exchange for CO2 and only exists due to the warmth provided by the dirty great big ball of fire in the sky (aka the sun) and thinks that driving an EV is "saving the planet", has lost all their rational capacity.

In fact, I'm surprised they haven't played the Chicken Little1 card on climate yet. They would probably get away with it. Or, maybe they did with respect to CFCs and the ozone layer? Remember that?!

So, all-in-all, I'm going with CLIMATE. It's the gullibility of it that trumps it for me and just how long the scam has been successfully running, and like a Fauci-mask argument has managed to do a complete 180 from risk of ice age in the 70s to "global boiling" in the current decade, and still pass by the ignorant horde.

Honestly, a few million deaths out of billions (more accurately, a relatively small number of "lost life years") and the squandering of paper money stolen from the gullible plebs in the fight against an imaginary pathogen doesn't keep me up at night.

However, being constantly around people not smart enough to "do their own research" on climate and too lazy to push back against the authoritarian state does bother me as it affects my daily life. 



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