Mike Adams’ Apocalypse – And Mine! By Brian Simpson

I do not follow Mike Adams here to the idea that this is “the end,” but I still am pondering his material. Joining the dots, if the Covid vaccines are as dangerous as he and others quoted at his site, and that of Dr Mercola, then there is a case for the extinction scenario, or at least the collapse of civilisation one, what we have called the I am Legend scenario, after the 2007 zombie movie where the collapse is vaccine-caused.

Some material discussing the collapse of civilisation is given in the links below. Still, as far as we know, the elites do not have a mass of robotic slaves to replace humans yet, nor is life outside earth practical, with terra forming Mars some way off. So, what gives if there is a drive to extinction? Surely it could only be mass psychosis, a nihilistic urge for self-destruction coming from too much power and too much affluence. But, if we go, they go too! I do not mind so much losing everything, if the evil ones go down with the ship of civilisation.


"Society has lost the will to survive, and the vast majority of the world’s population is happily hurling itself into self-destruction. If these people take no action to save themselves, there’s not much that you or I can do to intervene on their behalf. They’ve made their choice, and they’re going to have to live (or die) with it.

We are living in End Times. This is the end of humanity as we know it. The human species is now fully invested in its own destruction, and the vast majority of individuals are quite thrilled to go along with it.

It seems that the rest of us need to now focus on prepping for the global collapse that’s sure to follow. We are wasting time trying to save those who have committed to their own destruction. Instead, we should be sharing information about survival, food self-reliance, community strengthening, local communications and the like.

So that’s what I’m going to do as well. I’ve probably fettered away too much time already on people who prefer to commit vaccine suicide. If they no longer have the willingness to investigate the truth before they inject themselves with unproven, risky medical experiments, then what business do we have trying to save them from themselves?

I don’t think we can stop the global vaccine extermination agenda. The depopulation machine is too powerful, extremely well-funded, and has the backing of government, media, law enforcement and the corrupt “science” journals. Anyone who wants to survive the vaccine culling is going to have to figure it out for themselves.

All we can do is work to be among the survivors. As mass death subsumes the globe, there will be survivors who rejected the vaccine death shot, but even those survivors will then have to contend with the far more difficult survival scenario of economic collapse and civilization collapse. Globalists are gunning for mass global depopulation, but they seem to be oblivious to the fact that once they kill off 90% (or more) of the current population, nobody will be alive to run the nuclear power plants. Eventually, they will fail and go into meltdowns, spreading radioactive clouds into the atmosphere to be distributed by winds and weather.

Surviving the vaccine is the least of the challenges yet to come, it turns out. As the global depopulation death wave kicks in, we will also have to survive the economic collapse, food collapse, tribal warfare, nuclear accidents and whatever else is unleashed by the global depopulation agenda.

Or perhaps you think this is all science fiction and there’s nothing to be worried about. It’s exciting to get your vaccine shot, isn’t it? Tell all your friends and celebrate your newfound freedom! Mock the “anti-vaxxers” while pretending that life will get back to normal if only everybody is forced to take the same covid vaccine.

Have fun while your life lasts, because it won’t last much longer if the globalists get their way. You’ve just been depopulated in the name of “saving the planet” for the powerful, wealthy families that wish to claim dominion over Earth.”


If Adams is right, their rule will not be for long anyway, and who wants to be king and queen of a radioactive wasteland, anyway?




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