Migration Madness: Far from Home; Far from ANY Home, By James Reed

It has happened, as is happening in America, with the accommodation crisis leading to increased rents that have now priced many people out of the market. The average Australian weekly rent is $ 547.People receiving $499 a week through Jobseeker and Commonwealth Rent Assistance payments, are thus no longer able to rent. To this, PM Albo who knew this would happen with his mass immigration program, done especially for the globalist elites Great Replacement agenda, will say; well get with others and share houses, commo style. Yes, if one is lucky to do even that.

However, in homelessness Australia is still behind the shocking US situation, where tent cities and life on the street are now common, and having even shared accommodation in slums is but a dream:

"Illegal migrants flooding the US are contributing to what could be the highest number of homeless in the country since the data were first recorded, with cities draining their coffers to fund shelters, a report says.

At least 550,000 people were reported homeless in January — the same month the US notched the highest number ever of border crossings, according to an analysis by the Wall Street Journal.

The disturbing homeless figure was at least 10% more than January 2023, a year that had the highest overall annual tally since 2007, when the government started reporting its own figures, the outlet noted.

This past January's tally will presumably end up even higher, since not every city, including the Big Apple, which has a significant homeless population, has reported its data to the government yet.

Given the trend, the country is on track to surpass 2023's overall dismal historic US homeless figure of 653,000, the report suggested.

The hordes of homeless have swelled along with the record numbers of migrants illegally crossing the border and then claiming asylum and being bused to cities such as New York, Chicago, Boston and Denver, straining public coffers and bringing crime and gang violence to the streets.

Reports from Massachusetts revealed that migrants accounted for almost half of the more than 7,000 families in the state's family shelters in January. The state expects to spend more than $1 billion housing migrants this fiscal year, the Journal reported.

Migrants also accounted for more than seven out of 10 homeless people in the city of Chicago, whose counts tripled to more than 18,800 people on the streets and in shelters that month.

In Denver, where migrant gangs run roughshod, fresh waves of outsiders caused a staggering 42% increase in the city's homeless population.

Migrant border crossings and busings have dropped since reaching their peak earlier this year.

The report also blames rising fentanyl use, soaring housing and rent prices and the end of pandemic-era tax credits for potentially pushing families out of their homes and onto the streets.

California has been struggling to shelter the largest homeless population in the United States — even as Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom pressures cities to clear out encampments.

That state had more than 180,000 homeless in 2023, according to the most recent report from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

HUD hasn't released its official report for 2024."



"The Albanese government will be pleased:

Struggling Australians on income support are now either completely priced out of, or navigating severe rental stress across all capital cities and major regional centres across Australia due to rising prices, with one advocacy group calling for urgent action.

Defining rental stress as situations where more than 30 per cent of a person or household's income is being spent on rent, Everybody's Home Priced Out Report found individuals receiving $499 a week through Jobseeker and Commonwealth Rent Assistance payments would not be able to afford the average weekly rent of $547 across Australia.

Let's not kid ourselves. This is precisely what Albo intended when he tore down the borders.

He has still failed to lift them back up while building nothing:

The three Labor policies before the senate will make no difference. They are all designed to lift prices further:

  • shared equity with the government buying a large slice of the property is an insane ponzi scheme;
  • corporatising rents means higher for longer, and
  • Albo is only proposing 3k extra public houses per annum when construction volumes are 70k below his 250k target.

Greens policies are a communist disaster. LNP policies will inflate prices.

The only idea that will work is to slash immigration to 90k or below for an extended period to allow housing to catch up to population growth.

But there is no pressure on political parties to do so from the fake left press so why would they?

The Guardian is so hypocritical it won't even mention immigration while it whinges:

Matt lives in a suburb surrounded by wealth – but he is struggling to get by.

The former lawyer rents a studio apartment in the affluent Brisbane suburb of Paddington, known for its quirky boutiques. Here, the median house price sits at just over $3m.

But for Mark, his $300 weekly rent is a stretch with the $966 he gets a fortnight on jobseeker with rent assistance. He eats just one meal a day, he's behind on rent, and the eviction notice has come. Matt, who worked in the insurance industry before he was made redundant last year, is about to do a forklift course in the hopes that will get him a job.

"I should be able to clear that up," he said of his eviction notice.

"But yeah, you can't survive. Unless you have [cash-in-hand or family helping], you're going to end up homeless."

A new report on Monday from Everybody's Home revealed Australians on the lowest incomes have been priced out of renting in almost every corner of the country, despite the government's recent 10% increase to commonwealth rent assistance.

Nowhere in the world is the left more destructive to the vulnerable than in Australia."


"U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released its latest statistics Monday, showing nearly 530,000 migrants flew into the U.S. and were paroled into the country as part of the Biden administration's controversial mass parole program for those migrating from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela (CHNV).

The August report includes data after the Department of Homeland Security resumed processing new Advance Travel Authorizations (ATAs) in the parole process for the CHNV program.

After an internal review, DHS implemented additional safeguards to the CHNV processes, including the rigorous enhanced vetting of U.S.-based supporters and the inclusion of biographic and biometric screening.

The data shows that nearly 530,000 migrants flew into the U.S. and were paroled. It also shows that about 813,000 migrants have scheduled appointments that were made on the CBP One app at ports of entry, to be released into the U.S.

Migrants taking part in the CHNV program are paroled into the U.S. on two-year humanitarian parole grants, which allow them to apply for work.

Fox News' Bill Melugin said every U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) source he has spoken with tells him the same thing: they do not have the workforce or resources to find and deport such a large population of people if they overstay their two-year grants. 



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