Migrant Rocket Scientists Save Boomer Pensions (Not) By Richard Miller

     It was the claim of murky Merkle that the influx of refugees, mainly men, would solve Germany’s employment problem. Sure, as if they do not age. But, regardless of that:

“A lack of education is making it hard for refugees from developing countries to integrate into Germany's skilled labor market. An estimated 17% of participants in German integration courses are illiterate. The head of  Germany's Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), Hans-Eckhard Sommer, said that integrating refugees into Germany's labor market will be a difficult task, and called for Germany to focus on attracting skilled labor from countries in southern Europe. In an interview with Germany's Rheinische Post newspaper published on Saturday, Sommer said that there are many jobless, well-educated young people in Southern Europe who would be "considerably easier" to integrate. On March 1, the German government will implement a skilled labor immigration law intended to make it easier for highly qualified foreigners to work in Germany. Under EU law, there are no legal barriers for EU citizens to work in other countries in the 27-member bloc. "I think we should concentrate harder on recruiting professionals from Europe," said Sommer.

Room for improvement
Sommer said that BAMF has "always been aware" that very few potential skilled workers arrive in Germany as refugees, adding that around 17% of participants in BAMF's German integration courses are illiterate. However, Sommer said that refugees who take literacy courses are considered to be "very committed." An estimated 13% of participants who never learned to read or write were able to reach an intermediate level of German that would normally be taught over six years of primary school.

Promote education abroad
The BAMF chief also warned against heavily recruiting skilled labor from developing countries, as promoting a brain drain will make it harder for poorly developed economies to grow. "I consider it problematic if we bring a large number of highly educated people to Germany from poorly developed countries," said Sommer, calling rather for Germany to send support for creating education and jobs. "If we prevent or don't support the development of these countries, we are taking the risk of creating the next group of refugees ourselves."

     It is not just Germany that has this problem with refugees whom the Left told us, must be welcome because … well, globalist anti-racism, guilt blah, blah … but Sweden. Yes, Sweden still seems to exist. It is said that there was a blonde hair person spotted in the country last week, but that could be a rumour:

“The Swedish Employment service has revealed that just 6.1 per cent of new arrival migrants were able to find full-time work not subsidised by the government last year. The figures further illustrate the failure of new migrants to Sweden, which has one of the most generous welfare states on earth, to find real work while the vast majority remain totally unemployed. The number reflects those migrants who have been in the Employment Service’s establishment programme for at least 90 days and is down from 2018 which saw 6.6 per cent of migrants in work not subsidised by the government, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports. The rate for migrants employed in jobs that are subsidised was much higher in 2019 at 24.5 per cent. Such jobs include start-up businesses as well as so-called “extra services” which generally include positions in the public sphere or in non-profit companies. Staffan Johansson, Head of Unit at the Employment Service, said that the decrease in migrants employed in any job after 90 days, just 31 per cent, could be explained by a “downturn in the economy” and said that work on extra services had been halted as well.

     After years of open borders, Sweden’s unemployment rate is now one of the highest in the EU.

     Thus, Sweden needs to take in one billion migrants from the Third World ever year, to solve all of its problems. How? Once Sweden disappears into the dust, and there is no Sweden, logically there will be no Swedish unemployment rate. Problem solved!



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