Meet The New Taliban By James Reed

     Great column by conservative commentator Bill Muehlenberg, detailing how the Left are morphing into a new Taliban, a crazed regime seeking to destroy Western civilisation, with no thought of what is going to happen to these useful idiots down the track, as occurs in all terrorist regimes:

“Brendan O’Neill has recently written about this “neo-Maoist war on the past”. He says this:

Britain is in the throes of a Cultural Revolution. Statues are being tumbled, past art erased, people cancelled. Wide-eyed Woke Guards, heirs to Maoist-style intolerance, are compiling lists of monuments to target and individuals to humiliate. They are remorseless. Nothing old that runs counter to their newthink can be tolerated. Tear it all down.

He concludes:
How did this happen so fast? How did protests over the police killing of a black man in Minneapolis become a PC war on statues, street names, art and people judged to be suffering from wrongthink? Partly, it speaks to the colonisation of public life by the narrow, eccentric concerns of the over-educated middle classes and ostensibly progressive bourgeoisie. That millions of people, white and black, are losing their jobs as a result of the lockdown and yet left-wing debate is dominated by the question of which 200-year-old statue to tear down next is testament to the left’s replacement of class and economic questions by virtue-signalling and an obsession with woke propriety. More fundamentally, this is all a continuation of what had already been happening. We live in an era of intolerance and unreason. From higher education to the political sphere, from the new media to activist circles, PC censoriousness is rampant. New orthodoxies emerge with extraordinary speed and are enforced with rigour. Say the wrong thing on gender or race and you’re out. Question the gospel of genderfluidity, wonder out loud if ‘white privilege’ is really a thing, deny the truth of the End of Days foretold by climate change – you do all these things at your peril. What we are witnessing right now is something that is actually disgustingly cynical: the exploitation of the anger over George Floyd’s death to bolster the zealous crusade to institutionalise PC orthodoxies that would have been as alien to Floyd as they are to most normal people. Let’s call it what it is. It’s re-education. The Woke Guards might use more flowery language than the Red Guards, talking about ‘a radical reorientation of our consciousness’ (in the words of much-celebrated author Ibram Kendi). But it amounts to the same enforcement of orthodoxy that we have seen in history. It’s time to stand up to this Cultural Revolution. This isn’t about defending slave traders, which is the latest slur that the enforcers of woke orthodoxy throw at their critics. It’s about defending reason, freedom, the right to dissent, and the pluralism and complexity of the public square.

Quite so. This is a war on history and on Western civilisation. And what we have is a New Taliban that is fully behind it all. Today’s leftists are simply emulating their own past heroes – heroes with plenty of statues still around. The main one, Karl Marx, said, this: “The first battlefield is to rewrite history.” And he also said, “Take away the heritage of a people and they are easily persuaded.”

     That is exactly what all this New Taliban cultural cleansing is about. I do not feel depressed about this, having predicted this sort of anarchy for some time now, and many others for much longer. The Covid-19 bs was a prep for what is intended down the track, about how every hi-tech gizmo will be flung against us. So, we aware, and get ready for anything. For all we know, the new level of communist revolution will be mass killings of deplorables, and to some degree that has been going on a while with “polar bear hunting” and the “knock out game.”



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