Masks Will be Forever and a Day! By James Reed

Well, we get to see the famous Covid masks again in Sydney, with the latest outbreak. Some officials are saying that this is the new normal and that mask wearing will become much like wearing clothes in public. It probably does not do much, or what is proclaimed to do, but it is all sociology, creating a new Covid community, and group thought is what counts in the Covid New World Order.


I can hardly wait for the next new thing, salivating in anticipation of the coming disaster and misery! Will it be an entirely new virus, one that re-animates the dead, creating the long awaited zombie apocalypse, or will it be the “lights out” scenario of a cyber-attack, the downing of the internet, and then the need for a new cyber-global currency, total enslavement under a global technocracy? Oh, we basically have that now. Will all the events be co-ordinated? Sure will. Watching the elites kill life on Earth all is utterly amazing black pill theatre. Imagine if there was resistance to this, even by the white mice … but that is too far-fetched and fanciful. My last hope is that the pirates over-extend, and end up going down with the sinking ship too, their pirate flag disappearing under the ocean waves of glorious plastic!

A top WHO official says that mask mandates and social distancing should continue indefinitely in order to protect against new variants of COVID-19.

The comments were made on Sky News by Special Envoy on Covid for the World Health Organisation (WHO). Dr David Nabarro.

Nabarro suggested that there would be a long list of mutations of the Indian variant which would in some cases evade the protection offered by vaccines.

“We will go from Delta to Lambda and then on to the other Greek letters, that’s inevitable, and some of these variants will be troublesome,” he said.

“I’m basically saying variants are going to go on coming. That’s part of life, we need to pick them up fast, we need to move quickly if we see them in a certain location, we need to build the management of variants into what we call our Covid-ready strategy, which is going to be the pattern for the foreseeable future,” he added.

According to Nabarro, mask mandates and social distancing need to remain in place for the foreseeable future “as part of our defence” against COVID, particularly in regions which have high infection rates.

As we highlighted earlier, England is set to drop all face mask rules on July 19 after it was revealed that they were having a massive negative impact on businesses and wiping billions off the economy.

Several government advisers have called for coronavirus restrictions to continue forever, not just to defend against COVID, but also to fight influenza.

Former Communist Party member and SAGE adviser Susan Michie said earlier this month that mask mandates and social distancing should continue “forever” and that people should adopt such behaviour just as they did with wearing seatbelts.”




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