Mask Mania By Brian Simpson

     Senile Joe Biden wants to make it a law that people wear masks, all the time, everywhere, every night and every day, maybe even in the shower, perhaps shaving. That is crazy, even coming from crazy Joe, but others are pushing the agenda further, as incredible as that is:

“A member of the Metropolitan Council of Nashville and Davidson County has suggested that residents who refuse to wear a mask should be charged with murder or attempted murder if they transmit the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to other people. Councilwoman Sharon Hurt, an at-large member of the council, made the suggestion on August 5 during a meeting with the committees for Public Safety, Beer and Regulated Beverages and Health, Hospital and Social Services, the latter of which she is also the chairman. During this meeting, Hurt said: “My question goes back to legislation. I don’t know if Mike Jameson could be the one to answer the question, but my concern is – you know I work for an organization, that if they [transmit HIV to another person], they are tried for murder or attempted murder, if they [did not tell the person about their condition] … and this person who may very well pass this virus that’s out in the air because they’re not wearing a mask is basically doing the same thing to someone who contracts it and dies from it.” “It seems to me that we have been more reactive, as opposed to proactive, and a little too late, too little. So, my thing is, maybe there should be legislation, stronger legislation … to say that if you do not wear a mask and you subject exposure of this virus to someone else then there will be some stronger penalty as it is in other viruses that are exposed.” The person she is referring to during her statement, Mike Jameson, is a former councilman, the current director of legislative affairs for the mayor’s office and a special adviser to the mayor. Jameson responded by telling Hurt that the city council does not have the authority to do what she is proposing.”

     Clearly though, once the level one mad-ideas such as universal masks get in, then the crazed Leftoids will move to the next level, and never stop, because madness knows no bounds. There are, mathematicians haver shown, an infinite regression of such levels.



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