Malcolm Roberts, a polished punchy senate speech

taken from JoNova's website:
In his maiden speech as a new Senator, Malcolm Roberts looks sharp, stands tall, and fires his words precisely, and articulately. He oozes determination.

He’s put in long hours for years to be there and he knows exactly why he’s there. James Jeffrey in The Australian described it as “impassioned”, delivered with “the pyrotechnic power of his larynx”:

Roberts gave a speech that left even his leader, Pauline Hanson, with big shoes to fill. He quoted John Cleese, former US president Andrew Jackson and Banjo Paterson, and compared himself to Socrates. Climate change was boomingly dismissed as “a scam”.

His remarks on climate science are in the first ten minutes:

Roberts strength is his reasoning — his focus on cause and effect. He’s right to draw attention to the failed predictions of Flannery and Karoly; he’s right to talk about the pause, and the cooling from WWII to the late 70s. He’s right to question the sacred institutions like the BOM and their inexplicable and unreplicatable adjustments. He’s right to keep asking for the data that shows that human use of hydrocarbon fuels affects the climate. Its 2,447 days since I asked if there was any evidence. To save the planet, you’d think one person would have emailed it. Malcolm has been in the trenches of the carbon wars. At the start he thanks many familiar names, like the late great Bob Carter, and Ian Plimer. And it’s nice to see recognition to a lot of fellow volunteers — some of whom are dedicated at achieving things behind the scenes. …


Senator Malcolm Roberts' Speech in full:

I present to you, the people of Australia, my First Speech.

Mr President, thank you. As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I’m here to discuss with the chamber and the Australian people how we will re-build our great nation.

To the six hundred thousand people who voted for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation I owe a particular debt of gratitude for the privilege of serving our state and country.

I will honour all Australians by restoring our constitution, restoring our national sovereignty and restoring freedom via this chamber and in my everyday life.

All of us as One Nation Senators are going to say the things that need to be said and do the things that need to be done. We are not worried what the establishment says about us, we’re not here for the establishment. We are here for everyday people and our nation.
My passion for politics and policy was unleashed during the grass roots uprising of the Australian people against the reviled and dishonest carbon tax, a new tax on carbon dioxide, based on a lie and founded on a dishonest agenda.

I became a volunteer spokesman for the Galileo movement working with great Australians such as Jacques Laxale, Paul Evans, John Smeed, Case Smit, Viv Forbes, Judy Ryan, Anne Easby, Jennifer Marohasy, Ian Plimer, Leon Ashby, Joanne Nova, Jim Simpson, Mike Elliott, Michael Darby, Alan Jones, Grant Goldman and the late Bob Carter and many other scientists and grass roots activists against the carbon dioxide tax and restoring our nation’s sovereignty.

As a result of climate policies, Queenslanders, everyday Australians, have lost jobs, paid higher taxes, wasted opportunities, lost businesses and fritted away scarce resources... Nowhere is this issue more important than in our resource rich Queensland, which stands to lose the most of all our states.

Does it not concern Senators that the hyperbolic predictions from the hysterical likes of Tim Flannery, David Karoly and Ross Garnaut have not come to pass. Again, again and again, for nearly 30 years climate activists have been warning us that we have just 5 years to act. Every time Nature has proven them wrong.

Flannery beclowned himself saying at the start of this century Brisbane’s dams will never be full again. Aren’t we all sick of it? Because the Australian public is!

John Cleese recently said “I would like 2016 to be the year when people remembered that science is a method of investigation and not a belief system.” • But for too long blind faith, contrary to reality, has ruled.

My qualifications include an honours engineering degree - covering atmospheric gases including carbon dioxide - from the University of Queensland. Also, an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, famous for rigorous statistical analysis.
In the real world I obtained statutory qualifications covering atmospheric gases with rigorous responsibilities for hundreds of people’s lives.

My studies reinforced the importance of relying on empirical facts – hard data and physical observations – needed to prove cause and effect. My area of studies focused on earth sciences and geology.
Australians should be able to rely on the information from Australian government bodies and institutions, but we can’t.

I have used FOI requests, correspondence and reports from the heads of CSIRO, Bureau of Meteorology, UN, and universities to show there is no data proving human use of hydrocarbon fuels effects climate.

We use Australia’s resources - that is gas, coal, oil — to produce energy. These resources contain hydrogen and carbon that produce water and carbon dioxide. Both are essential for life on earth. Yet the core climate claim is that carbon dioxide from human activity will catastrophically warm our planet.

Like Socrates I love asking questions to get to the truth.
So I ask the question; over the last 130 years what was the longest single temperature trend? Is not the inconvenient truth this .... that from the 1930’s to the 70’s during the period of the greatest industrialisation in human history when our carbon dioxide output increased greatly, atmospheric temperatures cooled for forty years straight?

Another inconvenient fact; temperatures statistically have not been warming since 1995. Records show there have been warmer periods in Australia’s history then the current decade.
Temperatures are now cooler than 130 years ago. This is the reverse of what we’re blatantly told by the Bureau of Metrology that has manipulated cooling trends into false warming trends.

Mr President here are more undeniable facts proven by data; firstly, changes in the carbon dioxide level are a result of changes in temperature, not a cause. That’s the reverse of what we’re told. Second, we do not and cannot affect the level of carbon dioxide in air. Reverse of what we’re told. We cannot and do not affect global climate. Third, warming is beneficial – after all science classifies past warmer periods as climate optimums. Again, the reverse of what we’re told.

It’s basic. The sun warms earth’s surface. The surface by contact warms the moving circulating atmosphere. • That means the atmosphere cools the surface. • How can anything that cools the surface warm it? It can’t. • That’s why their computer models are wrong. The UN’s claim is absurd.

Instead of science, activists invoke morality, imply natural weather events are unusual, appeal to authority, use name calling-ridicule-and emotion, avoid discussing facts, and rely on pictures of cute smiling dolphins. These are not evidence of human effect on climate.

If it is clear that climate change is a scam, and also our prosperity relies on the human endeavours of industry and production, then why is it that in this great parliament there are extremist advocates of an agenda to de-industrialise our nation? Let me make it clear, I will stand firm against any political organisation whose primary aim is to destroy our prosperity and future.

Instead of no nation, we must have one nation.

How are we, Mr President, going to re-build Australia and hold-back any push to de-industrialise our nation?

In touring Australia and Queensland with Senator Hanson we can see first-hand the damage fraudulent climate change science and policy is doing to communities and families. De-industrialisation is costing jobs, destroying families, bankrupting businesses and making our nation less competitive against other nations.

Queensland’s most important industry is mining. I have run mines around the world. It is also vital for Australia.

Coal has lifted the whole of humanity out of grinding poverty and propelled us to achievements never thought possible. The wealth created for every Australian has been considerable. While it may be easy to have or find some rock, or a dollar... to then turn that dollar into two dollars is a very intensive and challenging endeavour. Government policy has not always helped this process.

In reality governments rarely help, they hinder. Australians can only lift productivity when governments get out of our way.

In all these matters I trust the human mind and heart to make intelligent conclusions, I have faith in people and our ingenuity. We must encourage honest debate and free speech on these issues because that respects and promotes human spirit.

Humans care; our future civilisation depends on protecting the environment and the future of our environment depends on protecting civilisation.

Mr President, allow me to say unequivocally, we are taxed enough already. As my dear friend John MacRae says publicly, Australians pay more tax every year than could have ever been imagined by our forefathers crafting our constitution.

Consider this honourable colleagues, from a chartered accountant who worked on GST for our state government: 50% of the cost of a loaf of bread is made up of tax – effectively a tax rate of 100 percent.

Young Australians would be most alarmed to learn that almost 50% of the price of a house is made of various taxes and impositions. That doubles a typical bank loan.

Fuel is taxed at the astonishing rate of 230%. We are a decentralised nation, and high energy bills compound the cost of everything. When we reduce the cost of energy, though, we increase productivity, which increases our prosperity.

High energy costs really hurt the most vulnerable in our society, the lowest income earners. The renewable energy target and climate policies are highly regressive on the poor, and we will work to end such policies.

After all, who would have ever thought that governments would create a tax on the air we breathe, the carbon dioxide tax?

And who pays taxes?

The former deputy commissioner of the Australian Taxation Office, Jim Killaly, said 90% of Australia’s large companies are foreign owned and since 1953 have paid little or no company tax. Former Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey, said that Australians pay 50% of our income in taxes. The Australian Bureau of Statistics previously stated that Australians on an average income pay 68% of their earnings to government – as taxes, rates, levies, fees, charges, special charges and other burdens....

We work Monday to mid-morning Thursday for the government. • The biggest purchase of our life is not our house, it’s government.
For too long in Australia we have been strangling the goose that laid the golden egg. It must stop. Economics is about people. Australian economist, lawyer, writer and bush poet Banjo Paterson said in 1889 “It must always be remembered that we are dealing here with the simple question whether we can, by any means, be enabled to make a better living.”

Australia’s tax system quashes Banjo’s vision. Instead of no nation, we must have one nation.

One nation, as a federation of sovereign states.

When our constitution devolves many powers and responsibilities to the states why would a central government crave collecting so much tax? It is for nothing more than stealing control over our states and in doing so creates a mammoth bureaucracy that duplicates responsibilities and doubles costs.

The challenges of tax and productivity are important to Queenslanders, and I will seek to work in collaboration with the entire parliamentary community in pursuing comprehensive tax reform.

Senators, in my view the purpose of great institutions such as this parliament, and broadly politics, is to protect life, protect property and property freedom. Government has sadly transitioned into a beast that only wishes to control people’s lives.

And it has curious bedfellows. As my good colleague Senator Rod Culleton has so ably shown big government in partnership with big banks is a disaster for ordinary Australians.

One of the greatest threats to our liberty and life as we know it is the international banking sector. As American President Andrew Jackson once said, “It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes.”

Worldwide, privately owned central banks have greed as their creed and cannot be trusted to work in a country’s best interests. A royal commission into the banking sector and currency is just one tool needed to expose what the big international banks are doing to trash our country.

In 1889 Banjo Paterson identified the core problem simply when he referred to international banking as: “The trusts and monopolies whereby labourers are robbed”.

Australia again needs a people’s bank, like Labor Prime Minister Andrew Fischer’s Commonwealth Bank, started in 1912. A people’s bank is an established policy of our party. A people’s bank that focuses on building infrastructure and securing capital for Australia’s needs. This people’s bank will boost productivity and shield the country from the manipulation of our economy so often exerted by the tight-knit international banking sector.

Unlocking the potential of Northern Australia and regional Queensland is a most pressing issue facing our state and the broader Australian community. A people’s bank would open new opportunities to make these areas the driver of our economy with better infrastructure bringing investment and capital to the regions. We need to encourage business to move their operations north and focus on our huge potential.

Instead of no nation, we must have one nation.

We recently received an excellent presentation from the Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton’s team. Their core policies are protecting our borders, are saving thousands of boat people’s lives and are enabling thousands of genuine humanitarian refugees thanks to Senator Hanson’s courageous policies 20 years ago.

Australians everywhere have told me and my colleagues, including Senator Burston, how important it is that our nation’s values and culture are protected. People allowed into Australia, must live by our laws.

Growing up my parents taught me to respect all cultures and religions. I lived with people of all faiths, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs and Christians. Australia has developed a society where people of all faiths are free to get along. In particular we must maintain our well- developed standards on the treatment of women and children, and the equal advancement of people from all ancestries. We should welcome anyone of any background who wants to live in peace, but for those who don’t plan to integrate into our culture and laws we need to protect our borders and keep them out.

My hope is that we will have a fairer immigration system, a system that stringently tests individuals in their commitment to Australian values. At the moment we test people wishing to take citizenship on Don Bradman’s batting average. I ask the question; why don’t we test people more properly before they come to Australia on upholding our great nation and our laws?

Australia’s values and way of life are also at risk from insidious institutions such as the unelected swill that is the United Nations. • The people of the United Kingdom recently spoke and I have great admiration for the way they broke free of that socialist monolithic monster, the European Union. The EU is a template for total socialist domination of Europe through unelected bodies such as the IMF forcing their frightening agenda on the people. It is also the UN’s template and Australia must leave the UN, we need an Aus-exit.

Thanks to many researchers like my colleague Graham Williamson and Graham Strachan, people are waking to the UN destroying our national sovereignty through implementation of the UN’s 1975 Lima Declaration and 1992 Rio declaration for 21st century global governance (Agenda 21 / 2030) signed quietly by the then government and sneakily implemented by ministers of every government since.

Under the guise of biodiversity to steal property rights, sustainability to pass regulations controlling people, and climate change to push foreign control using unlawful ‘agreements’ like the Paris sham.
Let me say the people of Australia are desperate to regain our sovereignty. We need to re-build our nation.

Australians have had enough of foreign control. Enough tax. Enough theft of our prosperity and future.

Australia is on a precipice. We can fall off the edge if we continue to become an unproductive nation, which hinders enterprise through high taxes and gross abuses of power such as taxing the air we breathe.

We once thought we were a poor nation, when we were actually rich. Sadly, we now think we’re a rich nation, yet we are becoming
poor. Instead of no nation, we must have one nation.

People can be confident that I will advocate for them authentically, from my heart, always in the national interest. I will show the highest ethical standards in my advocacy.

My greatest passion is freeing people to reach their potential, through strong leadership, to be individuals able to pursue dreams and aspirations as citizens of the greatest nation on our beautiful precious planet. Together, we have a lot of work to do Australia. I am humbled to be entrusted in doing this amazing work with the Australian people.


No one can show testimony to my belief in the enduring power of human nature more than the great Pauline Hanson. With the indulgence of the chamber and with the Senator’s permission, I’ll refer to her as everyone knows, Pauline. Our Pauline, the people’s politician, she is one of us and we are just like her. A woman of great courage and to whom I owe being able to stand here today. Pauline listens to understand and is honest, courageous and persistent.
Twenty years ago the establishment ridiculed you Pauline, at the same time they quietly started implementing some of your policies.
Thank you for saying what you have said and giving a voice to the forgotten people, and showing that we really do matter. Thank you Pauline.

I must thank the amazing James Ashby. As with Pauline, they threw everything at you, mate, and you stayed strong and true to our cause and kept your integrity. You are one of the most capable people I have ever met. Thank you, mate.

You have a great team at One Nation behind you Pauline, and I thank all of our campaign team in particular Saraya Beric for your brave and loyal spirit.

I have been working voluntarily on these causes close to my heart for eight years, to shed light on so many injustices. I couldn’t have done this without the strength, courage, honesty, tolerance and care of the person I love most, my gorgeous wife Christine. Together we are blessed with the love of our children, Shane and Kelsey who have the strength to challenge, and are always close to my heart. I love you both. My parents, who have passed on, instilled in me honesty and strength of character, and I honour them today.

Our nation, Australia, is at its very best when it is united, united as one nation. In the past our nation faced and overcame great challenges. We face enormous challenges now.

Today I have shown those things important to me, to our great party – Pauline Hanson’s One Nation – and to our magnificent state of Queensland.

My role in this chamber will be to ask the questions that need to be asked, and to do what needs to be done in finding solutions for all of us.

Mr President and Senators, thank you.



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