Long Covid Does Not Exist! By Brian Simpson

One argument that the Covid establishment used against those who did not take the Kool aid, sorry, the Covid vax was that they are open to long Covid, a vaguely defined set of ailments affecting the unvaxxed after the disease has passed, a type of rebound effect. It has been controversial, but a new study, abstract below makes the case that long Covid does not exist, and that it is a product of anxiety about Covid itself. That makes a lot of sense and is consistent with basic immunology.





A substantial proportion of persons who develop COVID-19 report persistent symptoms after acute illness. Various pathophysiologic mechanisms have been implicated in the pathogenesis of postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC).


To characterize medical sequelae and persistent symptoms after recovery from COVID-19 in a cohort of disease survivors and controls.


Cohort study. (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04411147)


National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland.


Self-referred adults with laboratory-documented SARS-CoV-2 infection who were at least 6 weeks from symptom onset were enrolled regardless of presence of PASC. A control group comprised persons with no history of COVID-19 or serologic evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection, recruited regardless of their current health status. Both groups were enrolled over the same period and from the same geographic area.


All participants had the same evaluations regardless of presence of symptoms, including physical examination, laboratory tests and questionnaires, cognitive function testing, and cardiopulmonary evaluation. A subset also underwent exploratory immunologic and virologic evaluations.


189 persons with laboratory-documented COVID-19 (12% of whom were hospitalized during acute illness) and 120 antibody-negative control participants were enrolled. At enrollment, symptoms consistent with PASC were reported by 55% of the COVID-19 cohort and 13% of control participants. Increased risk for PASC was noted in women and those with a history of anxiety disorder. Participants with findings meeting the definition of PASC reported lower quality of life on standardized testing. Abnormal findings on physical examination and diagnostic testing were uncommon. Neutralizing antibody levels to spike protein were negative in 27% of the unvaccinated COVID-19 cohort and none of the vaccinated COVID-19 cohort. Exploratory studies found no evidence of persistent viral infection, autoimmunity, or abnormal immune activation in participants with PASC.


Most participants with COVID-19 had mild to moderate acute illness that did not require hospitalization. The prevalence of reported PASC was likely overestimated in this cohort because persons with PASC may have been more motivated to enroll. The study did not capture PASC that resolved before enrollment.


A high burden of persistent symptoms was observed in persons after COVID-19. Extensive diagnostic evaluation revealed no specific cause of reported symptoms in most cases. Antibody levels were highly variable after COVID-19.”


“The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has released a new study that debunks the existence of so-called “long” COVID.

The reality is that people who claim to be suffering from long COVID are more than likely imagining it, the government body revealed. The most likely thing they have is simple anxiety induced by fear and paranoia about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

The study – you can view it for yourself at this link – explains that there is just no solid evidence proving the existence of long COVID. Further, the demographic most prone to alleged long COVID is women with a history of anxiety disorders.

Putting two and two together, long COVID is a mental health condition that is completely detached from any actual physical problem. Those who seem most prone to “contracting” it are those most prone to falling for government and media plandemic programming – and this admission comes from an official government agency, shockingly. (Related: Long COVID symptoms could also just be COVID “vaccine” damage under another name.)

“They only identified significantly higher odds of developing PASC in females and those w / anxiety disorders,” tweeted Dr. Tracy Høeg, MD, PhD. “They failed to identify objective abnormalities on diagnostic testing to explain the ongoing symptoms.”

Long COVID is a psychological disorder, not a real physical ailment

According to the Daily Caller, 189 people with lab-documented “cases” of the Fauci Flu participated in the NIH trial. All of them were at least six weeks out from their sickness when symptoms appeared.

This pool of participants was contrasted with 120 control participants who reportedly tested “negative” for Chinese Virus antibodies.

Participants were given a physical examination, lab tests, questionnaires, cognitive tests and a cardiopulmonary evaluation. Based on this, no identifiable cause of PASC symptoms was observed in most of the cases.

The study explains that 55 percent of those who were infected reported symptoms of long COVID while only 13 percent of the control group reported symptoms. Those with PASC symptoms reported lower quality of life on standardized tests.

“Exploratory studies found no evidence of persistent viral infection, autoimmunity, or abnormal immune activation in participants with PASC,” the study authors concluded.

“Abnormal findings on physical examination and diagnostic testing were uncommon.”

All evidence seems to point to the fact that long COVID is merely a psychological disorder brought on by plandemic fear. If this is the case, then those who engineered the whole thing have committed serious crimes against humanity that warrant serious punishment.

“Are you folks pretending to be surprised?” wrote someone at Newspunch.

“The mainstream propaganda doesn’t broadcast anything that isn’t beneficial to misanthropic parasites. In fact, they always try to suppress and censor any information that is beneficial for humanity.”

Another joked that next on the agenda is long monkeypox, seeing as how the global architects seem to have chosen monkeypox as their next plandemic scam to fleece and cull the goats.

“They are going to milk this thing to the utmost,” responded another. “Midterm elections are coming so be prepared. More mail-in ballots are on the menu.”

Another pointed out, just as we did, that long COVID and probably many cases of actual COVID are little more than mass formation psychosis manifesting as a physical ailment.

“This is learned helplessness,” this same person added. “Psychosomatic hypochondria. Delusional victims of loss of locus of control, mentally and emotionally abused by bullying into ill health depression suicide by the goodies, the well-respected evil members of community healthcare.”



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