Letter to The Editor - The greatest matter at stake is the political freedom of the individual

To The Australian     Troy Bramston blames the wrong person for the Brexit crisis in the UK ("Britain is in chaos and Cameron is to blame", 15/10). Most to blame are members of the political elites who lied repeatedly to the British people from 1962 on as to what joining a common market would mean and then, in later stages, about what political union in "Europe" would mean. Britain's entry into the EU was a con job, pure and simple. Now these elites are trashing democracy by refusing to honour the clear decision of the 2016 referendum. That meant leave fully, and Bramston fudges the issue by unnecessarily asking whether it included departure from both "the economic and political institutions". Of course it did. Nor were the millions who voted to Leave under any moral obligation to define how this would be achieved. Ireland got out of Great Britain fairly quickly last century. Such exits can be managed successfully and they were entitled to trust that their Parliament would organise theirs efficiently. The greatest matter at stake is the political freedom of the individual. There should be much more public analysis and discussion of the Orwellian behaviour of the EU towards the principle of free speech.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic



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