Letter to The Editor - Nothing in Creation Can Be Equated to GOD

     God does not write books, nor does he dictate them word for word through human intermediaries. This applies to the Bible as well as the Koran.  So merely advocating metaphorical rather than literal interpretation (Letters, 8/6) is not sufficient to deal with the current religion-based political crisis.

     On the other hand both these holy books have many passages that are profound and beautiful, which may well be the result of exceptional inspiration. Thus, asserting, as does Jim Campbell (8/6), that ‘there are no arguable circumstances’ under which the Koran should ‘play a role in shaping the character of any Australian citizen’ is an unhelpful and extremist approach.
     Islam itself contains the solution in its doctrine of shirk - that nothing in creation can be equated to God. Muslims generally need to accept that this applies to their prophet, their book and their tradition. Ditto for Christians.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic



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