Letter to The Editor - My Say Today!

     If you follow world events, then you can be excused for having mixed feelings about the confused signals emanating from the ‘halls of power’ via the devious mass media.  Donald Trump has upset the ‘climate change disciples’ (it is a cult!) by honouring his election promise to withdraw from the ‘Paris Climate Agreement’ signed by his predecessors.
     Why shouldn’t he withdraw from the agreement when it was a factor in his election commitment to the American people?

     In Australia, this raises many points for discussion if you believe we live in a democracy. There are issues which must be understood for a harmonious relationship between diverse peoples and the progress of our Civilisation.  Can an elected government bind all future elected governments to its wishes for ‘time immemorial’? I don’t think so as this is a recipe for stagnation!

     Dr. H. V. Evatt, an Australian politician, recorded in his book ‘The King and His Dominion Governors’, words to the effect that ‘the government is the government for the elected period only and cannot bind any future elected government to its wishes for ever’. This does not appear unreasonable to me and it accords with the idea that our system of government is ‘dynamic’ … laws can change with the times and wishes of the people.
However, this does not apply to the Australian Constitution which is the ‘frame-work’ under which the elected government should operate.
If you do not have a copy of the Constitution then I respectfully suggest you ask your Federal Member for a copy and any other helpful literature on the subject so you will be prepared for the emerging ‘propaganda war’ on indigenous recognition.
LC, Numurkah



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