Letter to The Editor - Increasing hedonism that seems to have corrupted society

To The Age         The gist of veteran educationist Ian Hansen's important article ("Self-satisfied private schools have widened the gap", 18/11) is that the gap, in terms of wealth and resources, between independent and government schools has become too wide and is seriously unjust. If this is so, then our political leadership needs to redress the situation. Those of us who taught in independent schools in the 70s, 80s and 90s noticed the change of atmosphere in our workplaces. It is worth asking why it happened. One reason may be that in society as a whole the nature of our ruling elites became significantly less Christian. Another could be the extraordinary change in communication modes made possible by the "information revolution". A third may be the increasing hedonism that seems to have corrupted society. And a fourth may be the obvious subjugation of even the most prestigious schools to acquiescence in "politically correct" campaigns. Moral discernment suffers from all of these.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave



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