Letter to The Editor - Defending intellectual freedom and allowing the expression of "uncomfortable views"

To The Australian        Nick Cater is correct to describe Brexit as "the pressing political issue of the day" for Britain ("Deserters help a resolute Boris", 11/9). This is because the result of the current struggle will determine whether for the foreseeable future free speech is returned to the British (by their escape from the jurisdiction of the Kafkaesque European Court of Human Rights) and whether their nation regains full sovereignty. What lover of freedom wants his or her people to be ruled by a supra-national, bureaucratic tyranny? In this context Janet Albrechtsen is right ("The prime minister cannot be in two minds about 18C") to urge our own government to be more proactive on defending intellectual freedom and allowing the expression of "uncomfortable views" so long as physical harm is not being clearly threatened.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic



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