Letter to The Editor - Campaigns to Split Australia and Australians

     Cheryl Saunders, in advocating constitutional recognition (‘Their distilled voice of hope’, 28/7), claims that there is ‘a deep fissure in our national identity’, but perhaps this is a figment of her imagination or a piece of wishful thinking by a committed political activist. There are a lot of other Australians apart from the 1200 who produced the unimpressive and unconvincing ‘Uluru statement from the heart’ and I believe that most of them are very pleased that they live in a free nation in which civic unity and co-operation is found throughout the land.
     Aboriginal culture is highly regarded and deeply respected by most of us; and we are happy for public funds to be deployed generously to assist Aboriginal persons and groups in need. What we do not want is campaigns to split Australia and Australians.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic    



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