Letter to The Editor - A complete rethinking of the nature of Jesus and the authority of the Bible is required

     Paul Kelly comments astutely on the current problems of traditionalists here (‘Bricks are falling from the conservative fortress’, 21/2), but does not penetrate to the true fault lines. One is the failure of our religious leaders to realise that a major reform of Christian sacred tradition must be undertaken. The decipherment of the Egyptian hieroglyphics and the coming together of all sacred traditions in our ‘global village’ have made this essential. A complete rethinking of the nature of Jesus and the authority of the Bible is required.

     A second major fault line has been the capitulation of too many Australians with leadership capacity to the various inroads on the principle of free speech. The firmest possible defence of intellectual freedom without reservation is also an essential for any restoration of conservative authority based on wisdom. Political bravery of the curate’s egg kind will not get us out of the mess; and the younger generations will not go out to battle while the trumpets give an uncertain sound.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic



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