Minister for the Environment
The Hon. Greg Hunt M.P.
Parliament House Canberra
A.C.T. 2600

Dear Mr. Hunt
 I draw your attention to the letter published in "On Target", 4th April 2014, [the weekly journal of the Australian League of Rights] written by Malcolm-leaun Roberts.  His letter refutes the reasoning being advanced by you and your Government relative to climate change, global warming, carbon [sic] pollution, [sic], etc, and he challenges you to respond to a series of questions chief of which being you provide him with empirical scientific evidence of your proof of “human induced global warming."

His published letter is in response to a letter sent by you to him.  Your Reference No: MC13-001921.

I note his repeated attempts to gain intelligent responses from you and your apparent refusal to answer what seem reasonable, logical questions.

Given that sea level rise is claimed to be one of the most alarming aspects of human induced climate change [global warming] you may find the below interesting.
Mr. Dean Lukin Jnr. and his family own the old B.H.P. wharf and associated coastal land.  They have undertaken on behalf of the Pt. Lincoln City Council, a Development Plan Amendment to undertake a major project involving converting the old B.H.P. wharf facility into a modern, much needed, all weather marina fish handling facility for Australia's biggest fishing vessels involving Southern Bluefin Tuna and the associated pilchard fishery.  Together with the planned wharf redevelopment is a major fishing industry industrial zone and substantial coastal residential subdivision.

As part of the D.P.A. Mr. Lukin employed Mr. Brian Caton to compile a report on projected sea level rise.  The entire B. CATON report can be read as Appendix L within the D.P.A. entitled "City of Pt. Lincoln, Part of Deferred Urban Zone" but better known as The Lukin Project land and wharf facilities.
Mr. Caton's report [Appendix L] is titled "Coastal Flooding and Erosion Study”.  He quotes from CSIRO and BOM reports that, quote, "Global average mean sea level for 2011 was 211 mm above the level in 198O."..... That’ s an increase in tidal levels here of over 9" since 1980 and they are predicting accelerating rates!

He points out that, quote, “climate change projections have been summarized and discussed every 5-6 years since 1991 by the International Panel on Climate Change."  End Quote. 

The Summary of These Mathematical Projections based on Tidal Gauges Out in the Pacific Ocean is:         
1. The current mean rate of sea level rise of 4-.3 mm per year will accelerate.

2. Sea levels in the region will be 20cms higher by 2030.... The figures are taken from, quote, “Copenhagen Diagnosis" 2009; they are in line with Coast Protection Board Policy Projections of 30 cms by 2050 and by 100cms by 2100." End Quote.... 

That is to say these global warming experts are stating sea level rise in this region will increase by over 41 cms, or about 16 inches, using 1980 as their base line over the next 15 or so years. I have lived here for over 50 years and I have to deal with REAL tidal height on a daily basis. The published data on which you and your Government are predicating major sea level rises is not accurate for this region.  I continue to drag my aluminium dingy over the same sand bars and concrete ramps at low tide as I did 50 years ago.  Had there been sea level rise as projected above, that is some 9 inches increased sea level as at 2014, the sand bars would not be exposed.  It is simple common sense.

Please respond intelligently to Mr. Roberts’ letter. 

I advise I have sent copies of this letter to The Australian League of Rights, The Pt. Lincoln City Council, The Lukin Family and Mr. Rowan Ramsay, Member for Grey.

I look forward to receiving confirmation you have read this letter and an explanation as to why the reality of existing sea levels is not obeying the mathematical projections of the I.P.C.C. and similar global warming proponents.

Yours Faithfully
PETER W. DAVIS - Boston Island South Australia



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