Let Them Eat Exams (of Their Own Baking)! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a model for Australia too, where international students are basically what the university system is all about now. Left-wing "educators" want to allow university students, maybe even high school students, to write their own exams and set their own assessment schemes. No guesses where something crazy like this will go, with there no even being a common standard existing at all. The real question is why bother having any assessment at all; just hand out the degrees like soup is handed out at soup kitchens, which is where this all leads.

But that is the Leftist agenda anyway, to break down the existing order so their social engineers can remake the world in their own images. Destroying the education system has been a key strategy here.


"September is here, and children and students all across the nation will be returning back to the classroom and lecture-theatre, many surely dreading the fact that, for some of them at least, this may be a formal GCSE, A-level or degree examination year. The fear of failure in such tests has always been a real one, at least up until now. To prove it, there is a whole cottage industry out there on the Internet these days in which teachers and examiners post images of stupid answers given by their students in exams and workbooks.

As of yet, such answers most assuredly do not make the grade. And yet, as we saw last time around, demented Left-wing moves are now afoot to essentially allow schoolchildren and university students the luxury of designing their own semi-personalised examinations and assessment schemes. To the extent that, someday, the above incredibly incorrect answers may gain actual legitimate credit simply by virtue of demonstrating the candidates' ability – intentional or otherwise – to create witty and amusing answers rather than boring old factually correct ones." 



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