Leftist Media on the Olympic Boxing Fiasco, By James Reed

There has been much written now about the Olympic boxing fiasco. One point to cover before we move on to the next set of absurdities in the next media cycle, is how the liberal media responded to this. We have seen that there was opposition from conservatives, such as a group of Catholic bishops, and the dissent Right was seeing this as one more part of the decay of Western traditional values. The Olympic authorities have decided to sit this one out, and pulled out the discrimination card, that the trans boxers were being unjustly treated. Sure, while they beat down women. But, what about the liberal press?

Predictably enough, they took much the same line going down the mis-gendering line. The idea was that the adverse reaction was just part of the Right-wing response to trans. Thus, Vox went the way of claiming that the Nazis discriminated against trans athletes in 1936, so by implication, if anyone object to today, well, there you go: "Armed with a propensity for eugenics, gender anxiety, and a startling lack of scientific evidence, a small set of Nazi officials influenced the International Olympic Committee into gender surveillance and trans panic — stuff that eerily mirrors the transphobic attacks that athletes, cis and trans alike, face today."

Only thing, that is projecting this world back to 1936, and there were no trans athletes back then!


"The fallout continues from the Olympic boxing fiasco that saw a biological male defeat a female competitor in under a minute, breaking her nose in the process.

While most of the world has expressed dismay and disgust, some portions of the leftist media are taking a different position on Algerian fighter Imane Khelif.

The Huffington Post and The Hollywood Reporter covered the incident with headlines about how author JK Rowling "misgendered" Khelif.


The piece also focused on claims that Khelif is not transgender, but rather has a condition called Differences of Sexual Development (DSD). So it's actually acceptable for him to smash in women's faces in international fights, ok?

Vox went one further, publishing a piece about the 'history of transgenderism' in the Olympics and how Nazis 'discriminated' against trans athletes.

Yes really.

The clear insinuation is that if you express any kind of misgiving about biological men being able to compete against women in sports then you are Hitler.

The piece states "Armed with a propensity for eugenics, gender anxiety, and a startling lack of scientific evidence, a small set of Nazi officials influenced the International Olympic Committee into gender surveillance and trans panic — stuff that eerily mirrors the transphobic attacks that athletes, cis and trans alike, face today."

Clearly this is absolute cr*p. There were no transgender identifying people trying to compete in the Olympics in the 1940s [sic, 1930s]." 



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