Kamala Harris Symbol of the West’s Changing Demographics, By Chris Knight (Florida)

One of the woke Leftist arguments in support of a presidency of Kamala Harris, who a few months back was not regarded as a credible candidate, but now is being promoted by the mainstream media as simply unstoppable, the brightest person in the woke universe, is that she is multi-racial and thus reflects the sort of society the Left and the globalists behind them want. She is the daughter of a Jamaican Marxist father and Indian mother, both immigrants, which is a dream match.

Now 42 million Americansidentify as multiracial, or 13 percent of the country, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The category is growing. Communist China need not do much here, but simply sit back and watch the decline, then collapse as happened to all other multiracial/multicultural empires in history. It is clear that there is a direct correlation between increased levels of ethno-racial diversity and cultural decline from numerous problems, including ethnic conflict, and the decline in social capital, as numerous studies have shown. And this process is not occurring naturally, but is promoted with every interracial TV and commercial ad promoting this ideology. It is one thing to control a people, but the elites this time have seriously misread history.


"The daughter of a Jamaican father and Indian mother, both immigrants, Kamala Harris reflects the United States' changing demographics.

When she steps onto the stage Thursday evening in Chicago to accept the Democratic Party's nomination as their presidential candidate, she will represent the country's fastest growing racial category.

Some 42 million Americans now identify as multiracial, or 13% of the country, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That is up from 2% in 2000 when the census first allowed people to select multiple races.

America has long been a self-styled "melting pot" of people who trace their origins around the world, but in practice some states legally segregated citizens by race until the civil rights laws of the 1960s and laws prohibiting interracial marriage were not overturned until 1967.

Social change since, though, has been rapid. Barack Obama was elected as the country's first Black president in 2008, and Harris would be the first Black woman and South Asian if elected in November.

America's future will look even more diverse. The vast majority of multiracial people are younger than 44 and a third are still children.

The trend has been met by confusion, upset and worse from some of the U.S.'s shrinking white majority. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump drew groans at a gathering of Black journalists last month when he falsely portrayed Harris as pivoting from Indian to Black.

Harris has long identified with both her parents' ancestry. In Trump's remarks, some multiracial people saw echoes of their own experience of being asked to choose one or the other.

"When you have individuals who carry multiple experiences in the same person, that's an asset," said Representative Maxwell Frost, who is Lebanese, Puerto Rican and Haitian, speaking at a Politico event on the sidelines of the convention." 



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