Kamala Harris: Queen of Big Pharma, Big Trans and Big Abortion, By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

All conservatives, and Christians, should be deeply concerned about the doomsday presidential ticket of Harris and Walz, and even more concerned about this team as president and vice president. A hard-hitting article at Life Site News.com, details that Harris and Walz are fully committed to three main agenda, Big Pharma and vaccines, transgenderism and the abortion industry. Harris has been a champion of the Covid-19 mRNA vax from the beginning of the plandemic, and still is. She holds to the "safe and effective" narrative still, despite full evidence to the contrary, with even the multivaxxed President Biden still coming down with Covid.

On transgenderism, Harris has been a strong advocate, matched only by Tim Walz, who as governor declared Minnesota to be a transgender sanctuary state and placed Tampon machines in the boys' restrooms in public schools. She is also an abortion extremist, supporting abortions up until birth. As president she said that any state pro-life law 'would have to come before my Department of Justice for a review and approval' before it could take effect. This will be an attempt to over-ride state democracy under federal tyranny.

As detailed below, both the trans and abortion issues are tied up with Big Medicine, with billions of dollars of profits being generated. Abortion is an industry supplying tissue and dead baby bodies for medical experimentation. This is something that will not be heard in the manic campaign that Harris will wage for women; majorities of both men (61%) and women (64%) express support for legal abortion: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/


"Throughout her mystifying, skyrocketing political career, Kamala Harris has repeatedly demonstrated her fealty to the pharmaceutical, abortion, and transgender industries, using her position of authority to feed their unquenchable thirst for profit by promoting their manufactured demands for dangerous experimental vaccines, for their monstrous so-called "sex-changing" medical and surgical treatments for young people and kids, and for the devaluing and destruction of human life through abortion.

Harris, along with her newly picked vice-presidential running mate Tim Walz, are dangerous radical extremists, more beholden to lining the pockets of demonic so-called "healthcare" industries than they are to protecting the dignity and flourishing of American lives.

Harris: Fighting for Big Pharma profits, not public health

Harris has promoted the COVID-19 (C19) vaccine from the start and continues to do so as evidenced by an "up to date" vaccination requirement for all who seek employment at her campaign headquarters.

Harris currently demands that those she employ continually update their C19 vaccination status, despite the fact that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have admitted since August 2021 that the C19 jab does nothing to stop the transmission of COVID.

"Harris has steadfastly stood by Biden's federal vaccine mandates, federal mask mandates, as well as lockdowns of businesses, schools, and places of worship all across America during COVID," noted Nikos Biggs-Chiropolos of the Honest Media Project. "As someone who has spent her entire career trying to please Democratic Party elites and donors, rather than regular people, it is clear that her top priority is propping up powerful companies rather than fighting for better public health."

In a remarkable, damning video from July 2021, Harris spouts off one lie after another about the efficacy of the C19 vaccine.

"Getting vaccinated is the single best defense against getting COVID-19 and its variants," declared Harris, who has never corrected herself or bothered to change her guileful messaging.

"First, we all know it doesn't stop transmission," said Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, an expert who has documented vaccine safety and efficacy.

"Second, where's the study comparing it to the Brownstein protocol? Or comparing vaccination to Ivermectin? Or comparing vaccination to hydroxychloroquine plus corticosteroids and zinc?" continued Lyons-Weiler. "There have been no randomized clinical trials that made these comparisons."

"She's literally making this up as she goes along," he pointed out.

"Is it moral for the vice president of the United States to say a vaccine is 'highly effective' when it is unable to stop transmission of the virus it is intended to combat?" asked Biggs-Chiropolos.

It's not moral, but her lies certainly helped pharmaceutical companies reap windfall profits from the C19 hysteria that Harris helped to foment.

"Her record clearly shows how she is a puppet of Big Pharma rather than a champion of the people," said Biggs-Chiropolos.

But Harris's confounding continued push to promote the COVID-19 jab is only part of a larger picture of a leader who in reality is nothing more than a tool of nefarious "healthcare" industries.

It gets worse. Far worse.

Big Trans industry radical

In choosing Tim Walz – who as governor declared Minnesota to be a transgender sanctuary state and placed Tampon machines in the boys' restrooms in public schools – Harris has signaled her support for the burgeoning, multi-billion-dollar transgenderism-technology-medical-industrial complex.

"Healthcare" professionals who stand to extract huge incomes from those entrapped in the nightmare of medically mutilated bodies and souls have repeatedly outright lied about the impact of and motivation behind their ghoulish medical practices.

That is clearly of no concern to either Walz or Harris. But why? What is the source of their remarkable allegiance?

In a video interview published last year, investigative journalist Jennifer Bilek demystified the ascendancy of the cult of transgenderism. It's all reaping huge profits by permanently mutilating the bodies of vulnerable young people.

Bilek explained:

This is totally a top-down arrangement of power. … You have a profiteering motive. Absolutely. Drugs. Surgeries. Surgery equipment. Not just the hormones and the puberty blockers, but you have the antibiotics, you have the anti-rejection medications. You have myriad surgeries that people want to have after they have this attack, basically, on their sex, a medical attack on their sex. Then they want to get their neck done, they want to get their Adam's apple done, and they want to have their jaw shaved off. It's like a compulsion, and it's driven through technology.

It's consumerist orgy, and we're the ones being consumed. People – our sex – is actually being deconstructed. It's not just an idea, an ideology; it's actually happening. They are removing young women's reproductive organs at major hospitals. So, sex is actually medically being deconstructed as well as ideologically, and legally, and linguistically in the culture.

But there's an even more sinister motive behind the rise of the transgendering industry: replacing and transferring human sexual reproduction to the Big Tech.

"The corporate state is running away with human sexual reproduction and transferring it to the tech sector," explained Bilek, a self-proclaimed feminist who has warned repeatedly that "women are being erased in language and law. It's like we don't exist."

"When you follow the money like I do, you find the answers," said Bilek. "It's all going to the tech sector. They want to take over human reproduction with technology."

By taking away the means of human reproduction from young people and handing it over to Big Tech, huge corporate entities stand to reap billions of dollars annually. The fact is that they see the sterilization of children, teens, and young adults through body and soul-altering medical, hormonal, and social transitioning as a good thing. It's all about future profits and population control.

Bilek said that children being taught that they can choose their sex "is madness, it's absolute madness, because it goes against the grain of reality."

"Why are they driving an ideology of physical disassociation from your sexed reality?" she asked. "Why is this happening?"

"It's all a part of the medical tech sector that they're going to profit from," she reiterated.

Bearing children is an occupation of womanhood, and so removing the ability to reproduce is "the pinnacle of objectification," said Bilek.

All of this is well underway, noted Bilek. The transfer of human reproduction to the tech sector is already occurring through "all the big fertility treatments that are out there now: freezing your eggs, and freezing your sperm, and surrogacy."

"They're researching womb implants. … It's profiteering, and it's social control in the sense that they really literally want to break sex apart," she continued. Establishing transgenderism as normal is imperative if the medical-industrial complex's move to usurp reproduction from normal married conjugal relations is going to be successful.

The push for transgenderism by the likes of Harris and Walz has little or nothing to do with improving lives. It's solely about creating a new, highly profitable, sustainable revenue stream for industries whose professionals once pledged to "do no harm."

A hardcore abortion industry extremist

Harris has proven time and again throughout her career as California's attorney general, as United States senator, and as vice president that she is 100 percent dedicated to protecting and promoting the abortion industry which earns billions of dollars annually through the slaughter of the unborn in their mothers' wombs.

"The Democratic Party under Harris is as radically pro-abortion as it can possibly be. Short of coming out for killing toddlers, there simply is no way to be more extreme than Kamala Harris and her party now are," wrote Ethics and Public Policy Center president Ryan T. Anderson in a searing essay at First Things. "She "is a hard-core ideologue – an abortion extremist – and has been since her first days as an elected official. As president, she would be no different."

While serving in the Senate, Harris received a 100 percent voting record from NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood.

"From targeting pro-life journalists and forcing pregnancy centers to advertise for abortion in her A.G. days, to voting to override state pro-life laws in her Senate days, she has repeatedly made clear her fealty to the abortion lobby," recounted Anderson. "Since becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee for the presidency, Harris has sown confusion about her political vision by reversing many of her own publicly stated positions. But one thing remains constant: Abortion is her top priority."

"During her failed presidential campaign in 2019, Harris explained to an MSNBC town hall audience the process by which she would preempt state pro-life laws: Under a Harris administration, any state pro-life law 'would have to come before my Department of Justice for a review and approval' before it could take effect. You can imagine how many such laws would have received 'approval,'" mused Anderson.

Pro-abortion groups are thrilled to have Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate.

"Vice President Harris is our most powerful advocate and messenger on this issue," gushed Jessica Mackler, president of the abortion rights lobbying group Emily's List, which has supported Harris through every stage of her political ascendancy.

"With Kamala likely as the next Democratic Presidential Candidate, we can expect nothing less than abortion extremism through all nine months, and after birth, for any reason," Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins warned on X in July.

"Kamala Harris is determined to impose on all 50 states all-trimester abortion without any limits, even painful late-term abortions in the 7th, 8th, and 9th month of pregnancy," SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser stated, raising a red flag about a Harris presidency.

"Harris is so committed to abortion that she can't see anything else – including the developmental stages of children before birth or the real needs of women," declared Dannenfelser." 



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