Just Who Wages a Cultural War? By Mrs. Abigail Knight (Florida)
Heather MacDonald at https://www.city-journal.org/article/trumped, has given a fine refutation of the claim being made by the mainstream media that Trump will begin a "cultural war." This war against traditional society has been waged by the Left at least since the1960s and continues across the West. As MacDonald says:
"Of course, the press will spin Trump's use of executive power, say, to pare back the unelected federal bureaucracy as an assault on democratic norms. It will claim that, as the Times put it on November 6, Trump is fostering "culture wars." (This standard left-wing trope holding that it is the Right that wages a culture war is the most absurd allegation in the mainstream media's portfolio of deranged distortions of reality. Here is how you wage a culture war: You ban teachers from telling parents that their child has "changed" his gender. You require everyone around that child to adhere to the child's new counterfactual "pronouns." You pass regulations making opposition to male athletes competing against female athletes in female sports a civil rights offense. You assign graphic novels depicting sex, in this case, gay sex, to school children. You make celebrations of sexual identity, in this case, "queer" and every other type of "non-heteronormative" sexual identity, a routine part of the school curriculum and calendar. You make race and sex, that is, non-white race and non-male sex, a qualification for scientific hiring and research grants. Opposing those radical changes is not waging a war; it is belatedly trying to play defense.) … Actually, what initiated a period of disruption beyond anything current generations have seen is enabling millions of Third World illegal aliens to enter the country, enforcing a mass delusion regarding the malleability of biological sex, ending meritocracy in favor of race and gender quotas, and setting up a collapse of the electrical grid through fantastical requirements regarding "green" energy."
I agree with Queen Ann Coulter, that this is a great piece of prose, summing it all up concisely. And now is the time to end all of this.