Just the Sort of Kind Hearted Abortionists Needed Today! By Mrs Vera West

     I found this story from our friends at Breitbart so bizarre I will simply quote it for your horror. It is a world just around the corner for us too, not merely clown world, but a world a nightmares and chaos, the multiverse of madness.

“The advertising brochure of notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart promises women who abort their babies in their third trimester of pregnancy he will allow them to “hold” their dead babies after they are aborted.
Carhart’s Maryland and Nebraska abortion practices specialize in second- and third-trimester abortions. He says in his brochure and on his website, AbortionClinics.org, his clinics are focused on “kindness, courtesy, justice, love & respect.”

In the brochure, Carhart states he provides “remembrances and special requests” for women who choose to abort their babies. “Many patients request a remembrance of their baby to take home with them,” the brochure says, explaining every family approaches abortion with “their own unique emotional, spiritual, and cultural background.” “There is no right or wrong way, just ‘your way,’” the abortionist continues. “Once the process of healing has begun, you may want to consider a token of the precious time with [sic] you and your baby had together.” Likening choosing to abort one’s baby to a natural death, Carhart offers as part of his “emotional recovery” services:

•    Viewing your baby after the delivery
•    Holding your baby after the delivery
•    Photographs of your baby
•    Cremation services referral
•    Funeral arrangements referral
•    Footprints
•    Spiritual and ceremonial accommodations
•    Remembrance certificate

On his website, Carhart also offers “one-stop convenience.” “You can schedule your pap test and annual physical exam as well as birth control with your abortion,” the abortionist touts, adding: We offer paps, IUDs, Nexplanon, and depo-provera at your procedure. We offer STD testing and treatment, in some locations, at no extra charge. You may leave with a birth control prescription. You may leave with all your needed medications at no extra charge. Your follow-up visit is free. At your follow-up we can insert IUDs. In a recent interview with BBC, Carhart admitted the life he ends when he performs an abortion is a baby. “I think that it is a baby, and I use [the word] with patients,” he said. “And you don’t have a problem…with…killing a baby?” the reporter asked, appearing to be stunned. “I have no problem if it’s in the mother’s uterus,” Carhart responded. He told BBC, “To the fetus it makes no difference whether it’s born or not born. The baby has no input in this as far as I’m concerned.” In 2013, pro-life organization Live Action released a series of videos exposing the late-term abortion industry, including one in which Carhart compared the baby in the womb to “meat in a Crock-Pot,” and then joked about his abortion toolkit that included a “pickaxe” and a “drill bit.” In 2016, the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, a congressional panel created in the wake of the release of videos allegedly exposing Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the sale of body parts of aborted babies, announced it would be investigating Carhart since at least five of his abortion patients had allegedly been sent to the hospital from his clinic.”

     Perhaps the Left could introduce an “Abortionist of the Year” award, for truly sensitive people in the industry.



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