Journey Through Covid Mass Formation Psychosis By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Robert Malone said on the now viral episode of the Joe Rogen Experience, on the phenomenon of mass formation psychosis: “When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things don’t make sense, we can’t understand it, and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.” Covid has been the focal point for this global-wide psychosis.

However, while I agree that there is social insanity, one must be cautious in using the new explanatory tool of mass formation psychosis least the Covid culture just be explained away as a pathology. There is a Grand Plan behind this, as the super-elites are using Covid as a convenient mechanism for dismantling the old order and engaging in the “Great Reset,” to create their totalitarian New World Order. Dr Malone will hopefully explore more who has sown the seeds of mass formation psychosis, and who reaps the fouls crops that have, and will grow.

“The United States is currently suffering from a phenomenon called “mass formation,” where social anxieties over a common threat lead to less-than-sober groupthink due to a strong community desire to combat the said threat. This can occur in any number of species, such as mega-flock behaviors in birds to ideological narrative acceptance in humans.

Around 62.3 percent of Americans have already been vaccinated, whether willingly or unwillingly, yet, President Joe Biden is still declaring the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) as the pandemic of the unvaccinated. Since the definition of “fully vaccinated” is about to change according to Dr. Anthony Fauci and Press Secretary Jen Psaki, the list of “unvaccinated” is about to expand.

The government is still relying on vaccines that do not work as advertised, and are still shutting down early treatments for the disease like ivermectin.

The mass formation phenomenon, for people, can be naturally occurring, such as the case with plagues and pandemics. However, it could also be synthetic constructs such as that was seen in Nazi Germany, which can be exploited often for political gain.

Dr. Robert Malone, who is credited as part of the team that created the mRNA technology, said as much. In a conversation with Joe Rogan in The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast on Spotify, Malone shared, “When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things don’t make sense, we can’t understand it, and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.”

Malone described how “leaders” can exploit the COVID situation because they identify with their leaders, who come it with plans to solve the problems for them.

Mass formation holds following the left’s insistence of only two binary categories of vaccination status to exist: vaccinated or unvaccinated. This is a tactic to pit various segments of the population against each other in order to coerce unending compliance for all, which is a political end goal of a greater plan.

Further, the mass formation theory says that the more absurd the narrative becomes, the more strong believers of the narrative cling to its absurdities. This phenomenon occurs because believers are fearful of the pre-narrative threat that going along with any absurdity is preferable as long as it comes with a promise of delivery from the said threat.

Mass formation and COVID response

For COVID-19, the government is insistent on using mRNA gene therapies or vaccines to combat it. However, with the 29 distinct proteins of the virus, the mRNA vaccines only recognize one of them: it is nothing more than a sparring partner.

The human immune system needs to see as many parts of the actual virus as possible to become fully prepared to attack the real thing, and this is why traditional vaccines that use inactivated or live virus work better compared to the mRNA therapy, and the flawed proposition by the government is what is wrong within the current mass formation phenomenon.

For those who are still thinking outside the current mass formation, rational science is necessary. Rational science tells people to use all manner of early therapies to combat COVID-19 as early as possible. In a pandemic, healthcare workers should try existing drugs not yet proven effective through double-blind studies, as long as they fit known science, show strong evidence of working and demonstrate safety.

Mass formation thought says to deny the existence of early treatment regimes and withhold all treatment until the disease progressed to the final phase, and give patients oxygen and blood thinners.

It does not have to remain this way: physicians need to reengage with medical truth and act accordingly to get to a new normal that is better than previous ones. However, a conscious choice must be made to get out of the mass formation way of thinking.”





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