Joe Biden Sees Climate Change as the Only Existential Threat, Proving his Senility By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While the alternative media has focussed upon President Joe Biden's mental state, clear senility, where he thinks he speaks to dead leaders, goes to shake the hands of thin air, the real concern is his policies, or of those who stand behind him, working his strings. Thus, he has said that the only real existential threat that the world faces is climate change. This is the essence of the most extreme climate change alarmist position, which has a mantra of "10 years to save the planet," a 10-year deadline that has been said for at least a decade. But the line just keeps getting moved when prophecies fail, and fail again.

The claim that climate change is the only existential threat is false even for the extreme environmentalist position, since biodiversity decline is also taken to be another, which they see as interacting with climate change. But, even within their paradigm, nuclear war should be number one, since it could happen at any point, and an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack upon a nation could bring down electric infrastructure, leading to up to 90 percent of the population dying. So, even in mainstream terms, Biden is speaking nonsense, but the claim as never meant to be "truth," but propaganda for the Leftist troops. However, he probably does not know the difference now in his mental slide downhill.

"President Joe Biden has made the astonishing claim that the only existential threat in the world is climate change, which is worse than nuclear war.

"There is only one existential threat we face in this world, and that's the environment," Mr. Biden told guests at a campaign reception in New York on Wednesday. "I mean, it literally is the existential threat.

"It's even more consequential than nuclear power, nuclear war," he continued. "That would be horrible and awful, and it would just make the environment incredibly worse. But it's about the environment."

On Friday, Catholic League President Bill Donohue pointed out that the president's assessment of the problems facing the nation is wildly out of sync with the views of ordinary Americans.

A recent Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found that Americans see immigration as the number one issue facing the country, followed by inflation and the economy.

Climate change and the environment are way down at number ten on the list of issues that worry Americans, below crime, drugs, healthcare, jobs, corruption, and the national debt.

Biden, however, remains doggedly convinced that climate change is the real worry, or as he said Wednesday, the only existential threat facing the world.

This conviction is nothing new, as Biden has stated his belief in the danger of climate change over and over again.

Donohue, who holds a doctorate in sociology, went to the trouble of counting and chronicling the times that Biden has declared that climate change is an existential threat and found that in the last year alone, the president has made this assertion an incredible 49 times.

Biden's words on Wednesday show "how dramatically out-of-touch this administration is with the American people," Donohue notes. "Their priorities are not the public's priorities."" 



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