James LaFond, On Getting Wood Chipped by the Multicultural Fascist State By John Steele

     I have started following survivalist martial artist, James LaFond, who while not strictly a Christian, and a bit rough around the edges, as we would expect, says some gems, close to our hearts. Like this one devoted to the chip, the sign of the Beast, as the West spirals into full-on totalitarianism:’’

“Money is the mechanism that ensured that most humans through most of history would be slaves, mere beasts of burden and objects of exchange. In a mere blink of Time’s eye, once state-sanctioned chattel slavery was reduced to use on criminals only, with slavery having never ended in the U.S. the replacement of money with currency made our economic activity more vulnerable to state control than ever before. However, only the replacement of currency with credit would enable the government to erase everything you worked for your whole life and saved at the press of a button, as well as denying future income. With currency, to devalue your currency they have to devalue their own. But with credit you can be singled out and economically erased. The Dread Minus has already moved us closer to a cashless ether-slave society. Many places are no longer taking cash because it spreads disease as evidenced by the stacks of bodies on the sidewalks of America. Retailers are posting signs that change is no longer being issued by banks. Yes, I suspect that universal chipping will happen if we don’t get hit by a real natural disaster rather than a fake one. However, forcing us by the point of a gun is crude and labor intensive. The police state is shedding manpower willingly because we have proven to be 95% media compliant. We are born slaves to man and traitors to God. You want to domesticate an animal whose character makes it a natural slave, not someone who holds higher belief. And I’m sorry, but if you did not attend worship during the shamdemic because you were ordered to by secular authorities—even if you hate them as your oppressors—than you have worshipped at the feet of a jealous, wrathful, earthly God. All of this stuff is happening because American Christians in masse declined to go to church, which made it possible to use force against the tiny minority of Christians who did attend. Hell, most Christians actually think they attended church by getting online and listening to their pastor. That was the acid test that told our vile and earthly lords that we were really ruled by:

-fear of authority
-fear of not being part of the majority

The doctrine of Original Sin was than ripped from its Biblical place and transmogrified with surging success into the doctrine of perpetual White Guilt. The smart phone alone and its posture of submission has rendered most Americans so malleable of mind that schools may no longer be necessary to brain wash our children. Instead, school teachers will be the new commissars, checking that parents are properly indoctrinating children, and spying on parents through the children they wrangle through the computer screen. Many church services have moved to virtual experience, further empowering future government compliance initiatives through the ether flock’s cucked shepherds. The disease hysteria has truly now elevated medical professionals to the status of priesthood of the new religion. Your doctors will spy on you through your ether interrogation sessions, drug you, send security contractors to your door to check for weapons and unauthorized cohabitation, enter your level of social justice into a data base to be cross-indexed with the reports of educators and... Employers will also be on the front line of the war on the wisps of reality which remain. Your lack of religious vestment, the un-wearing of the Holy Mask of Contrition will get you fired and also listed. Service providers, such as eatery owners, have now been onboard with a nationwide program of enforcing human social separation and enforcing the wearing of the sacred vestment of the Faithful…the face diaper, hysteria hijab or mask of contrition as you might have it. The addiction to be externally programmed and the dissident quest for deprograming both lead the modern mind slave to the same sacred portal of all knowledge, to the font of divinity, to the knowing of all things: the smart phone. That is your chip and it is utterly voluntary across almost 100% of the population.

I see chipping itself as a tracking device like those used on animals under government supervision in the wild that will be used like surveillance data, to get you after you stand up against the Vile Shepherd or have tried to break away from the money fold. Again voluntary measures work best with slaves and other domesticated animals. By my estimate over 90% of humans are mere animals with no souls, for they worship the works of man and if they have a quibbling shade, it will just be a snack for the fiends of the outer dark when they pass with a whimper in the night. If you want medical care, at some point, you will be chipped, I’m thinking by 2030 this will be in place. If you are convicted of any crime, you will be chipped as a simple evolution of the stay at home ankle bracelet which most of us support. Coercive vaccination may be another vector. But once cash has been removed and you are stuck with crypto currency or credit or debit, then you will not even be permitted the basics of life without being scanned, videoed and tracked by the system. As it stands, I can go to an ATM and pull out enough money to live for a month. But once cash is removed, I will have to submit to financial tracking for every food purchase. Amish are currently under attack for their economic separatism, despite having a history of being favored by the government with set-aside laws and clauses. The ultimate aim of the system of control is to control human reproduction at the same level it now controls human interaction, which is almost total. Almost every person in this nation believes in fantastical lies about this nation, lies like the Constitution and that only Africans were ever enslaved in this land and that those 400,000 suffering souls and their scions did all of the unpaid work that 4,000,000 European orphans and slaves actually did before they were erased from the historical record.

Resistance is futile and doomed unless we get hit by a meteor or other Act of God. Organizing in any way, even to teach karate, has become a great hazard. The most extreme organization you should consider is for food production and that too is already under fire. Amish food processing facilities are being targeted. One day the canning of the bushel of berries that I picked and helped my hosts with making into 235 jars of syrup yesterday will be explicitly outlawed…for safety, because someone got sick from a jar of home canned food. In the meantime, any utterance of heresy and any cooperative action with like-minded souls which does not support the Risen Faith of Collectivized Humanity, is going to be too dangerous. The punishment for failure to be a fool is and will increasingly be economic ostracism. If we do not kneel before the ebon image of Floyd, wear the Mask of Contrition or otherwise abase ourselves, we will end up being hunted to the fringes. But maybe there we will find some friends. … We mostly have to worry about the other slaves recognizing us. The System has achieved false polarity at a rate so high that dissenting minds make up a statistically insignificant portion of us. For instance, conservatives and liberals, right and left, both believe that they are fighting the System while each serve it by fighting each other, witlessly believing that the thing that controls them is their servant. Reality has been defeated in the human mind. I am only interested in salvaging some shreds of it for some future rebirth of humanity, for those few souls who manage to escape the machine.”

     Good luck with that one.



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