Jacqui Lambie on the Communist Chinese Adventures of Albo By Ken Grundy

Here are the contents of an email Jacqui Lambie sent me, deconstructing the PM’s great China visit, 50 years after Gough went to see Chairman Mao. She has got a re-election fund going, and does good work and is worth supporting.


“The Prime Minister is back from China – apparently - there were warm handshakes all round with the PM saying that the meeting wasn’t ‘transactional’.


Which I guess means that we didn’t promise anything.

And nothing was promised. Good to know – because even if the Chinese Communist Party make a promise, they can break that promise the very next day. That’s how a dictatorship works!


This isn’t news to Chinese Australians they know how the CCP works!


What I worry about is the deals that have already been made in Australia – the Chinese already own 7.8 million hectares of Australian farmland, and The Foreign Investment Review Board gave the tick to 700 million bucks of residential real estate proposals – and that was just in the first three months of this year!



Tasmanians know this story well too - In 2014 Liberal Premier Will Hodgman was showing the Chinese President around Tassie – the story goes that the Chinese said they wanted to buy Tas Ports – apparently the Premier said he couldn’t make that work.


Thank God.


Instead, he directed the Chinese Government reps to nice bit of crown land on the waterfront in Hobart. Then - in 2015 - without any consultation with the community – the premier put out a press release that this prime land would be gifted to a Chinese Company to build a massive hotel and hospitality centre.


The local Council – headed up by a mayor who was a card-carrying member of the Liberal Party waived the deal through.


Fast forward to 2023 and it seems that this deal is dead in the water – thanks mainly to local community. Well done you guys!


I am not saying I am against overseas investment – we need it – but it’s Australians who should be the first in line when it comes to owning our land and our assets – like ports!


And we should not be selling any off anything to countries like China that aren’t democracies and don’t follow a rules-based order.


It's just bloody common sense.


Ken, my re-election is coming up and I've been hearing on the grape vine that the majors are going to spend big in Tassie to try and knock me out. I guess they're sick of having someone around who tells it like it is.


If you've got a few spare dollars (and only if you do!), can you chip in to my re-election fund?

Chip in to help me →


Thanks mate, I can't do this without your support.

Jacqui Lambie




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