Is the Establishment Putting Gates Through the Gate? By Mrs Vera West

Here is material on Bill Gates as a womaniser, nothing special, or unknown, Trump was too, as was Bill Clinton. It goes with the power gig. But, it comes after the divorce announcement, and does not put old Bill in a good light. Is the tide turning?

“Behind his image as a straight-laced tech mogul, Bill Gates was notorious for throwing naked pool parties with strippers and being a “womanizer” — even after meeting future wife Melinda, according to a biography.

The Microsoft co-founder’s wild lifestyle was well known among his inner circle — but newspapers like the New York Times hid the unflattering reports to continue getting “spoon-fed stories,” James Wallace wrote in the 1997 biography, “Overdrive: Bill Gates and the Race to Control Cyberspace.”

They “didn’t report on the wild bachelor parties that Microsoft’s boyish chairman would throw in his Seattle home, for which Gates would visit one of Seattle’s all-nude nightclubs and hire dancers to come to his home and swim naked with his friends in his indoor pool,” Wallace wrote.

It was a continuation from his time at Harvard, where he “did like to frequent Boston’s notorious Combat Zone, with its porn shows, strip joints, and prostitutes,” Wallace wrote.

And Gates’ bachelor lifestyle didn’t end when he started dating future wife Melinda French in 1988, Wallace wrote in the biography, one of two he has penned about Gates.

“He continued to play the field for a while, especially when he was out of town on business, when he would frequently hit on female journalists who covered Microsoft and the company industry,” the author wrote.

“His womanizing was well known, although not well reported,” Wallace wrote, singling out the Times for not wanting “the flow of information to stop” from the computer guru.

Melinda — who last week filed for divorce after 27 years of marriage — “was well aware of Gates’s womanizing” even after they started dating, Wallace insisted.

“Consequently their relationship ran hot and cold,” he wrote, adding that the couple “broke up for nearly a year” because of Gates’ refusal to commit.

“When they got back together again in 1992, however, the relationship grew closer and stronger,” he wrote.’

But, all good, and bad things, come to an end.




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