Internet Censorship in the Time of Corona By James Reed

     Censorship everywhere … why just a few months ago we would never have expected such measures, the equivalent of sending bad kiddies to their rooms. But, here we are, and it is only going to get worse:

“COVID-19 has emboldened American tech platforms to emerge from their defensive crouch. Before the pandemic, they were targets of public outrage over life under their dominion. Today, the platforms are proudly collaborating with one another, and following government guidance, to censor harmful information related to the coronavirus. And they are using their prodigious data-collection capacities, in coordination with federal and state governments, to improve contact tracing, quarantine enforcement, and other health measures. As Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg recently boasted, “The world has faced pandemics before, but this time we have a new superpower: the ability to gather and share data for good.” Civil-rights groups are tolerating these measures—emergency times call for emergency measures—but are also urging a swift return to normal when the virus ebbs. We need “to make sure that, when we’ve made it past this crisis, our country isn’t transformed into a place we don’t want to live,” warns the American Civil Liberties Union’s Jay Stanley. “Any extraordinary measures used to manage a specific crisis must not become permanent fixtures in the landscape of government intrusions into daily life,” declares the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital-rights group. But the “extraordinary” measures we are seeing are not all that extraordinary. Powerful forces were pushing toward greater censorship and surveillance of digital networks long before the coronavirus jumped out of the wet markets in Wuhan, China, and they will continue to do so once the crisis passes. The practices that American tech platforms have undertaken during the pandemic represent not a break from prior developments, but an acceleration of them. As surprising as it may sound, digital surveillance and speech control in the United States already show many similarities to what one finds in authoritarian states such as China. Constitutional and cultural differences mean that the private sector, rather than the federal and state governments, currently takes the lead in these practices, which further values and address threats different from those in China. But the trend toward greater surveillance and speech control here, and toward the growing involvement of government, is undeniable and likely inexorable.”

“Sure, Joe Sixpack is getting redpilled about the fact Team Nationalist was right all along while he’s in his sequestered state— it was common sense to suspend flights, close the borders, and to make and keep supplies at home as soon as the KungFlu started making headlines—but do more ‘woke’ citizens mean a ‘w’ for Team Nationalism or are we simply being corralled into the next phase of globalism, despite rising consciousness about that system’s flaws?  … Even under pressure of the current crisis and the realization that open borders and free markets have failed us, “[The American] government is still cheerfully bringing in tens of thousands of guest workers from abroad, even as the numbers of unemployed Americans rises through the stratosphere.” When pressed about the move, President Trump during a press conference literally said that without foreign guest workers coming in to do agricultural work, “We’re not going to have farms.”  Someone should remind the President that H-2A foreign visa workers make up only about 10% of the US crop farm workforce.  And with exponential American joblessness, how are demands to suspend programs like H1-B visas not being implemented if Nationalists are on the winning side of this thing. Simply put: It’s because we’re not winning. The Globalists are. Yes, we had a glimmer of hope for a few hours when President Trump announced an Immigration Moratorium Executive Order via Twitter—all of which was completely undone once Trump became a puppet to enemies to the America First crowd, planted within his White House. Immigration moratorium EO? More like symbolic gesture BS. Rather than focusing on temporary foreign workers visas, which take good paying jobs away from Americans—you know, some 26 million of whom are unemployed at the moment—all Trump did was put a 60 day pause on new green cards… Something that was already de facto being done since the State Department has stopped processing visa applications due to virus hysteria weeks ago! As Michelle Malkin put it: “It's all moratorium hat and no cattle”

•    All new green card applications and routine visa processing were already suspended
•    Refugee resettlement was already suspended
•    Despite massive layoffs of H-1B workers in tech, there is no move to send them home
•    More than a million F-1 foreign student visa holders remain in the country, including nearly 400,000 from China

     Whatever the media and Dems tell you over the next week, remember this: An Ipsos poll released this month found that 8 in 10 Americans want a full halt on immigration to the U.S.”

     All this, despite the fact a whopping 79% of Americans are now in favor of a full halt to immigration! “That’s because Team Globalist is in control: They’re using the pandemic to bend the law and usher in an era of Anarcho-Tyranny in America, and across the globe. “Thanks to the Chinese Virus, you can be arrested for leaving your home or travelling for “non-essential purposes. Failure to “social distance” can mean jail-time as well.

“I’ve become convinced the next major event that’ll be used to further centralize power and escalate domestic authoritarianism will center around U.S.-China tensions. We haven’t witnessed this “event” yet, but there’s a good chance it’ll occur within the next year or two. Currently, the front runner appears to be a major aggressive move by China into Hong Kong, but it could be anything really. Taiwan, the South China Sea, currency, economic or cyber warfare; the flash points are numerous and growing by the day. Something is going to snap and when it does we better be prepared to not act like mindless imbeciles for the fourth time this century. When that day arrives, and it’s likely not too far off, certain factions will try to sell you on the monstrous idea that we must become more like China to defeat China. We’ll be told we need more centralization, more authoritarianism, and less freedom and civil liberties or China will win. Such talk is nonsense and the wise way to respond is to reject the worst aspects of the Chinese system and head the other way.
– From my 2019 piece: Two Paths Forward with China – The Good and The Bad

As the clownish farce that is Russiagate slinks back into the psyop dumpster from which it emerged, an even more destructive narrative has metastasized following the U.S. government’s incompetent response to covid-19.
It was clear to me from the start that Russiagate was a nonsensical narrative wildly embraced by a variety of powerful people in the wake of Trump’s election merely to serve their own ends. For establishment Democrats, it was a way to pretend Hillary Clinton didn’t actually lose because she was a wretched status quo candidate with a destructive track record, but she lost due to “foreign meddling.” This allowed those involved in her campaign to deflect blame, but it also short-circuited any discussion of the merits of populism and widespread voter dissatisfaction (within both parties) percolating throughout the land. It was a fairytale invented by people intentionally putting their heads in the sand in order to avoid confrontation with political reality and to keep their cushy gravy-train of entrenched corruption going.”

     What this tour around the mulberry bush of hot comments shows is the from every area the globalists are hyperactive in pushing their agenda. Perhaps they did not create this virus, but it has been a gift to them that keeps giving them riches. Our immediate concern is to survive the era of anarcho-tyranny.



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