Infanticide in Australia via Failed Abortions, By Mrs. Vera West

Here is a must-see video, where Sky New host Peta Credlin discusses the fact that babies who survive late term abortions are refused life-saving medical care and left to die on stainless steel medical tables, in some Australian states. She says: "I still couldn't get over that decision in the Senate last night that refused to even allow debate on a resolution that all new-born babies, born alive after late term abortions, be allowed to receive medical treatment rather than being left to die," Ms Credlin said. "Why should the treatment of one human person depend upon a veto from someone else? "She might have intended the child dead, but if the baby is born alive, surely its right to live trumps everything else? "Elsewhere at law, we would call this infanticide."

Yes, it is but one part of the endgame of women's lib/feminism. As discussed in another article at the blog today by Abigail Knight, the US abortion question, highly influential among unmarried women, may carry into office the radical communist feminist Kamala Harris. 



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