Trump is Controlled Opposition; Here is More Proof By Charles Taylor

Trump called the faithful to Washington DC on January 6, 2021, for the big announcement that Vice President Pence was going to not read out the stolen states, but he did, betraying Trump, making him the biggest fool in history. Trump then said, go home everyone. Some people, led by antifa, raided the Capitol Building, allowed in by police, in another set up.  The Deep State executed one ex-service woman. This led the Democrats to say that an insurrection was taking place, even though no guns were found, as discussed here:

“Sen. Ron Johnson elicits an admission from FBI official that no firearms were recovered from Capitol on Jan 6, and no one has been charged with any firearm offenses. Odd that so few are curious about this given repeated declarations that what occurred was an "armed insurrection"

Pelosi is so hysterical, or politically opportunist, that she says that there is still a pro-Trump threat, so National Guard service people will remain until May, eating toxic food it seems, as many have gone to hospital on the slops and metal shavings they have been served.

Probably most of the service people will be hospitalised before May the way things as rung in swamp town Washington, District of Corruption. And, what irony, that so much firepower is need to protect the allegedly most popular president in history. Sure. Tucker Carlson is right in seeing this as a show of force.


Now the mainstream fact checkers dispute this, saying some people had guns. Even so, no-one used a firearm in an “insurrection,” making this a pseudo-insurrection, the insurrection one has when one does not have an insurrection.


And speaking of a different outcome, Trump is either so utterly stupid, or treasonous, that he will run with Pence again! I take the view that he did the January 6 circus as an elaborate way of opting out, and controlling the opposition. He really is on the side of the Deep State, exposing all the gathered to government surveillance. That Trump is still free, despite all threats made earlier by the Demon-rats is further confirmation.


“Trump adviser Jason Miller says the former president is not weighing replacing Vice President Mike Pence if he seeks the White House in 2024.

In an interview with Mediaite’s The Interview podcast, Miller addressed a Bloomberg News report alleging that Trump is thinking about dumping Pence if he seeks a re-match against President Joe Biden.

“I wonder who was pushing this story? Could it maybe be the supporters of Governor Noem?” Miller asked, before clarifying that he was not attempting to “take anything away” from the South Dakota governor, who has seen her political star rise for taking an anti-lockdown approach during the coronavirus pandemic.

“I can tell you, as someone who probably speaks with him on the political side as much, if not more than anybody else, never once has there been a conversation internally or in a group about doing something different for the VP position for 2024 if he decides to go that route,” Miller added. “President Trump and Vice President Pence have had a couple of really good conversations since President Trump left office.”

Trump and Pence without speaking for a brief period after the former president demanded that the former vice president act against certifying the 2020 election during Congress’s election certification process.

Ahead of the certification, Pence revealed in a letter that he did not believe he had Constitutional authority to overturn the electoral votes.

Days following the January 6th Capitol Hill riot, Trump and Pence met Monday to discuss attack and various key issues, administration sources told Breitbart News.

“I realize that some Trump supporters might be a little bit frustrated with the former vice president,” said Miller. “He’s a great guy. He’s been a loyal ally, loyal teammate. And I think President Trump still has pretty high regard and fondness for Vice President Pence.”

No, this shows to my mind that Trump is deceptive, and traitorous. Sadly, the ordinary low IQ people who cannot critically think, the one’s always slaughtered in brother’s wars, still believe in this clown. No wonder the globalists always win. Hopefully critical thinkers like Ann Coulter will hammer Trump harder from now on. He is a bigger threat than even Beijing Biden, because so many people are still fooled by the MAGA nonsense.

Even if Trump was sincere, the Democrats are about to enshrine permeant cheating by mail through H. R 1, For the People Act, which will prevent the limp Republicans from ever getting office.

There is a political lesson here for Australians, since your system is no doubt as corrupt as ours. The rulers will crush resistance unless the level of revolt is absolutely overwhelming, and with immigration and open border replacement, the globalists are closing off that option. It does not matter what the policy is, so long as it conflicts with globalism and the New World Order, the battle will be to the death. That is hard for conservatives to accept. I am frustrated arguing with good men, who not only do nothing, but think that the system is still “theirs.” No, at least since the 1960s, the entire institutional structure of society, from the churches to the universities, has been taken over. If we don’t face cold hard realities, like soldiers in a war have to do, not what hey would like to believe, all really is lost.

Just consider these headlines, no need to even read them:



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