Letter to The Editor - Australia should have opened its arms to white South African farmers

To The Age        Jacqueline Maley is insensitive in claiming that "the idea of white persecution is not worth debating on its merits." ("Close window on prejudice", 19/3). I would have thought it is obvious that under black majority rule whites in South Africa have been wickedly and cruelly persecuted. Count the number of deaths and cases of brutal torture, to say nothing of property confiscations without compensation. There is hypocrisy in a world where in the recent past huge influence was brought to bear against the white minorities in southern Africa on the grounds of alleged unjust treatment of blacks, but almost no effort is made today to protect those minorities from unjust treatment by black triumphalists. Australia should have opened its arms to white South African farmers for ethical reasons based on extended family. Care for one's own ethnic group does not necessarily mean "hatred and fear of non-white people". And honesty is even more important than civility in our public debate.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Their campaigning to protect their group is not in itself "supremacism"

To The Australian        You have prominently labelled six remarks of Senator Fraser Anning as "incendiary" (19/3), but, while some of them contain exaggeration and simplification, they don't seem as worthy of condemnation as you suggest. What is wrong with urging a popular vote on immigration? The currently widespread use of the term "white supremacism" deserves some critical scrutiny too. It is natural and reasonable for people generally to prefer to live among those who share their ethnicity; and white people have some grounds for fearing that their security in this respect is gradually being taken away from them. Their campaigning to protect their group is not in itself "supremacism".
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - The House should change direction and vote for a no-deal exit

To The Australian        A comment by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez ("EU lights path for May to be bypassed", 23-24/3) inadvertently exposes the corruption behind the ongoing effort to stop Britain from leaving the EU. “We're at a critical moment in the construction of Europe." It needs to be asked: "Who is that 'we'?" It is certainly not the 52% of Britons who voted in the 2016 referendum to leave. Clearly there are powerful interests, both inside and outside the UK, determined not to have their new nation-building jeopardised. French President Emmanuel Macron, riding this wave, arrogantly states that "the British politicians are incapable of putting in place what their people have demanded." No, not incapable, but, so far, as a group in the House of Commons, perversely unwilling. The House should change direction and vote for a no-deal exit. British liberties hang in the balance. Present pain but long-term gain.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Life in the Cosmic Shooting Gallery; Ban Meteorites Now! By Brain Simpson

     Guns are of course evil and must be banned, but what about cosmic guns, meteorites which cause all sorts of harm including mass extinctions? No doubt there are space aliens, or just the randomness of nature, hurtling these rocks of death our way. Some are even hitting us, completely undetected until it is too late:

“A huge fireball exploded in the Earth's atmosphere in December, according to Nasa. The blast was the second largest of its kind in 30 years, and the biggest since the fireball over Chelyabinsk in Russia six years ago. But it went largely unnoticed until now because it blew up over the Bering Sea, off Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula. The space rock exploded with 10 times the energy released by the Hiroshima atomic bomb. Lindley Johnson, planetary defence officer at Nasa, told BBC News a fireball this big is only expected about two or three times every 100 years. At about noon local time on 18 December, the asteroid barrelled through the atmosphere at a speed of 32km/s (20 miles per second) , on a steep trajectory of seven degrees. Measuring several metres in size, the space rock exploded 25.6km above the Earth's surface, with an impact energy of 173 kilotons. "That was 40% the energy release of Chelyabinsk, but it was over the Bering Sea so it didn't have the same type of effect or show up in the news," said Kelly Fast, near-Earth objects observations programme manager at Nasa. "That's another thing we have in our defence, there's plenty of water on the planet."

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Time to Shut Down the Entire Internet, Just to be Sure! By Peter West

     After the occurrence of a Certain Event, not to be named here, even economic critique sites like Zero Hedge have been blocked. Now, I know what you are thinking, that I am shocked. Yes, I am. Shocked that there is still an internet up and running. Not just social media, which has received heaps of criticisms, and rightly so too, but the dangerous internet itself, intrinsically evil. Don’t just listen to me; China knows this as well and is doing good work shutting down as much of it as necessary. If it is good for China, it must be good for everybody.

     As explained in the link below from Slate.com, with admirable logic I might add, White people are guilty for everything in the universe. Ok, it is illegal to say otherwise now so let’s run with it. Normally stopping Whites from using the internet would be the logical conclusion, but Whites have Asian and Black friends who may cheat and let us use it. My Vietnamese neighbour lets me use his computer and internet, politely stuffing me with tasty Asian treats while I try to type. I write a paragraph and he immediately hands me another morsel to swallow, sometimes sweet, often savory, but always delicious. He thinks that my articles are “so funny” and always laughs at me, I suppose being the only person on the planet, other than my mother Vera, who understands my mental health issues.

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Good News on Immigration If We Can Believe It! By James Reed

     With all of the bad news, here is a little good news on the reduce immigration front:

“An annual cap of 160,000 is to be placed on the permanent migration intake in a move that will cut the targets set under the former Labor government by up to 30,000 people a year and impose for the first time an official ceiling on numbers. The Australian has confirmed that the government’s razor gang, the Expenditure Review Committee of cabinet, has signed off on the key elements of the Coalition’s broader population policy. Cabinet has also signed off on a regional settlement policy which will impose visa conditions requiring a fixed number of the general skilled migrant stream to reside in cities other than Sydney and Melbourne for a minimum of five years. There will also be incentives for overseas students, who numbered more than 500,000 last year, to attend regional universities and those in cities other than the two largest capitals.

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Childhood Diseases and Cancer By Mrs Vera West

     In the past parents would hold say chicken pox parties, so all the kids would get the childhood disease and have natural immunity. Today, vaccines are the magic bullet, but we are no longer permitted to criticise them.    However, there is still a body of evidence that indicates that getting childhood diseases had an important role in preventing various cancers in adulthood. For what it is worth, here are some links, some a bit technical, but included is a more readable account:

“Lack of infections during childhood is a common trend in obsessively clean environments that the babies grow up in today. According to Prof Mel Greaves from the Institute of Cancer Research in London, winner of the Royal Society’s prestigious Royal Medal, childhood leukemias are caused not just due to aberrant genetics or due to exposure to dangerous radiation but also due to lack of common infections during childhood that help build immunity. Greaves’s theories and evidence from the earlier works have been released in a paper that was published in the latest issue of the journal Nature Reviews Cancer. His work compiles information from globally situated experts in cell biology, immunology, genetics, childhood leukemia and epidemiology.

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Now Being Anti-Racist is Racist! By Peter Ewer

     How mad, and bad can it get? Can it get to levels of sheer cosmic comic absurdity? Sure, for now even being anti-racist is racist, if you are white, so the entire universe, if not the multiverse is racist, so Social Justice Warriors will have to fight for eternity.

“During a guest lecture at Boston University on Monday, University of Washington Professor Robin DiAngelo told the audience a “dangerous white person” sees people as individuals rather than by skin color. DiAngelo, whose main field of work is “whiteness studies,” added that those who say they were taught to treat everyone the same deny black people of their reality, she said. In making the claim, DiAngelo said she was lifting the terminology from her frequent co-facilitator at speaking engagements, black scholar Erin Trent Johnson. DiAngelo’s comments were couched during a section of her talk titled “What Does It Mean To Be White” that discussed colorblindness and those who say “I was taught to treat everyone the same, or some version of that.”

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Russian Time Machines By Brian Simpson

     While the West is investigating new ways of suppressing thought, the Russians are pushing ever on, now discovering how to reverse time, on a small scale:

“In the new study, published Tuesday (Mar. 12) in the journal Scientific Reports, researchers manipulated the arrow of time using a very tiny quantum computer made of two quantum particles, known as qubits, that performed calculations. At the subatomic scale, where the odd rules of quantum mechanics hold sway, physicists describe the state of systems through a mathematical construct called a wave function. This function is an expression of all the possible states the system could be in — even, in the case of a particle, all the possible locations it could be in — and the probability of the system being in any of those states at any given time. Generally, as time passes, wave functions spread out; a particle's possible location can be farther away if you wait an hour than if you wait 5 minutes. Undoing the spreading of the wave function is like trying to put spilled milk back in the bottle. But that's exactly what the researchers accomplished in this new experiment.

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Russian Time Machines By Brian Simpson

     While the West is investigating new ways of suppressing thought, the Russians are pushing ever on, now discovering how to reverse time, on a small scale:

“In the new study, published Tuesday (Mar. 12) in the journal Scientific Reports, researchers manipulated the arrow of time using a very tiny quantum computer made of two quantum particles, known as qubits, that performed calculations. At the subatomic scale, where the odd rules of quantum mechanics hold sway, physicists describe the state of systems through a mathematical construct called a wave function. This function is an expression of all the possible states the system could be in — even, in the case of a particle, all the possible locations it could be in — and the probability of the system being in any of those states at any given time. Generally, as time passes, wave functions spread out; a particle's possible location can be farther away if you wait an hour than if you wait 5 minutes. Undoing the spreading of the wave function is like trying to put spilled milk back in the bottle. But that's exactly what the researchers accomplished in this new experiment.

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Elites Bribing their Kiddies’ Way into Top Universities By Charles Tsaylor

     I know from Chris that you Aussies have a lot on your plates at the moment. Here in the States, we have been worrying about the fact that the elites who have less than bright kids, simply buy their places at university:

“The “mastermind” behind this college admissions scam was a con man named William Rick Singer.  He had been successfully getting the kids of wealthy people into top colleges for years using “side doors”, and he probably thought that he would never get caught. But he did. There were four basic methods that Singer used to get children from wealthy families into elite schools.  The first two methods involved bribes… Bribing college entrance exam administrators to allow a third party to facilitate cheating on college entrance exams, in some cases by posing as actual students,’ is the first. Bribing university athletic coaches and administrators to designate applicants as purported athletic recruits – regardless of their athletic abilities, and in some cases, even though they did not play the sport,’ is the second. Because many of these kids didn’t even play the sports they were being “recruited” for, in some cases Photoshop was used to paste their faces on to the bodies of real athletes… In order to get non-athletic kids admitted to college as athletes, Singer often had to create fake profiles for them. Sometimes this involved fabricating resumes that listed them having played on elite club teams, but to finish the illusion Singer and his team would also use Photoshop to combine photos of the kids with actual athletes in the sport.

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Delayed Adulthood By Mrs Vera West

     Across the West, the ruling elites are moving to recruit young voters, to keep up their power levels, and to prevent tragedies such as the election of the largely useless Donald Duck, sorry, Rump, sorry, Trump. The fear is that what is being farmed here are impressionable youth who are easily manipulated. Maybe, but the definition of an “adult” seems to have shifted:

“People don't become fully "adult" until they're in their 30s, according to brain scientists. Currently the UK law says you become a mature adult when you reach the age of 18. Scientists who study the brain and nervous system say the age at which you become an adult is different for everyone. Research suggests people aged 18 are still going through changes in the brain which can affect behaviour and make them more likely to develop mental health disorders. Professor Peter Jones, from Cambridge University, said: "What we're really saying is that to have a definition of when you move from childhood to adulthood looks increasingly absurd. "It's a much more nuanced transition that takes place over three decades." He added: "I guess systems like the education system, the health system and the legal system make it convenient for themselves by having definitions." When you reach 18, you can vote, buy alcohol, get a mortgage and are also treated as an adult if you get in trouble with the police. Despite this, Professor Jones says he believes experienced criminal judges recognise the difference between a 19-year-old defendant and a "hardened criminal" in their late 30s. "I think the system is adapting to what's hiding in plain sight, that people don't like (the idea of) a caterpillar turning into a butterfly," he said. "There isn't a childhood and then an adulthood. People are on a pathway, they're on a trajectory."

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The Death of Globalism, at Last By James Reed

     Could the end be nigh for … globalism? We have endured the end of everything of value to us, so it is only cosmically fair, that if the universe is taking the disintegration path, that globalism cops it too:

“Investors have been on edge as the world’s two largest economies, the U.S. and China, tiptoe toward a trade agreement. Yet even if President Donald Trump and President Xi Jinping reach a deal, a tariff peace won’t mean a return to the old ways of doing business. The global system of trade is being realigned. A decades long drive toward freer trade across borders has begun to reverse. Globalization is being overwhelmed by populism, nationalism, and protectionism. Brexit threatens to erect new trade barriers between the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe. India just moved to limit foreign operators selling goods online. An eroding global consensus on free trade has led U.S. companies to modify their supply chains, often bringing suppliers closer to their end markets. In the 1990s, global trade regularly grew at twice the rate of worldwide gross domestic product; since 2012, it has been rising only slightly faster than GDP, on average, according to the World Trade Organization. For this year, amid slowing global economic growth and rising barriers, the WTO has lowered trade expansion expectations to 3.7% from 4%, and said that first-quarter trade is slumping to 2010 levels.

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Even the Air is Now “Racist”! By Chris Knight

     Can I beat the “anti-racism is racist” story? Sure, as now even the air is racist:

“A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences claims that white people contribute more to pollution than black and Latino people, but the latter suffer from it more than the white polluters. “The air that Americans breathe isn’t equal,” USA Today says in its report on the study. “Blacks and Hispanics disproportionately breathe air that’s been polluted by non-Hispanic whites, according to a study,” USA Today says. “This new research quantifies for the first time the racial gap between who causes air pollution – and who breathes it.” The study is available online, including a portion entitled “significance.” Racial–ethnic disparities in pollution exposure and in consumption of goods and services in the United States are well documented. Some may find it intuitive that, on average, black and Hispanic minorities bear a disproportionate burden from the air pollution caused mainly by non-Hispanic whites, but this effect has not previously been directly established, let alone quantified.

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It’s the University’s Fault! By James Reed

     Below is a video of a US professor sounding out his class for cheating on an exam, using a circulated test bank. He raves on for some time about how dishonest this is. That motivated me to find out what a test bank actually is. I thought it was the actual exam, but it turns out to be a pool of possible exam questions with solutions. Asians in schools get this all the time and work through solved problems, especially in mathematics and do brilliantly. There is nothing wrong with this. The West somehow views this as cheating, which is insane. Maybe the lecturers should have devoted more time to setting an original exam, rather than creating problems that a test Bank would easily replicate. Don’t blame the students! As well, at the very end of the video, the professor says that he is so upset that he has not prepared work for today’s topic. Yeah, give him a fail.

Salvini Shows the Way! By Richard Miller

     With immigration being the big thing this week, there is more good news to report from Italy, which is moving under Salvini to finally control its borders:

“Italy has seen a radical drop in migrant arrivals in January under the migration policy of populist interior minister Matteo Salvini, down around 95 percent compared to January 2018. The interior minister compared the approach of the previous government under the left-wing Democratic Party of January 2018 with the populist coalition of the Five Star Movement and the League with Salvini saying, “the data shows that the Democratic Party had not blocked arrivals,” Il Giornale reports. The official data showed that 3,176 illegal immigrants arrived in Italy in January  2018 under the leadership of the Democratic Party which had told Italians they were actively working to reduce the number of landings and had reduced the number somewhat compared to 2017.”

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The Reality of Mind Reading: No One Will be Safe! By Brian Simpson

     Now the mad scientists can read your mind!

“In a scientific first, Columbia neuroengineers have created a system that translates thought into intelligible, recognizable speech. By monitoring someone’s brain activity, the technology can reconstruct the words a person hears with unprecedented clarity. This breakthrough, which harnesses the power of speech synthesizers and artificial intelligence, could lead to new ways for computers to communicate directly with the brain. It also lays the groundwork for helping people who cannot speak, such as those living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or recovering from stroke, regain their ability to communicate with the outside world. These findings were published today in Scientific Reports. “Our voices help connect us to our friends, family and the world around us, which is why losing the power of one’s voice due to injury or disease is so devastating,” said Nima Mesgarani, PhD, the paper’s senior author and a principal investigator at Columbia University’s Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute. “With today’s study, we have a potential way to restore that power. We’ve shown that, with the right technology, these people’s thoughts could be decoded and understood by any listener.”

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The Reality of Mind Reading: No One Will be Safe! By Brian Simpson

     Now the mad scientists can read your mind!

“In a scientific first, Columbia neuroengineers have created a system that translates thought into intelligible, recognizable speech. By monitoring someone’s brain activity, the technology can reconstruct the words a person hears with unprecedented clarity. This breakthrough, which harnesses the power of speech synthesizers and artificial intelligence, could lead to new ways for computers to communicate directly with the brain. It also lays the groundwork for helping people who cannot speak, such as those living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or recovering from stroke, regain their ability to communicate with the outside world. These findings were published today in Scientific Reports. “Our voices help connect us to our friends, family and the world around us, which is why losing the power of one’s voice due to injury or disease is so devastating,” said Nima Mesgarani, PhD, the paper’s senior author and a principal investigator at Columbia University’s Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute. “With today’s study, we have a potential way to restore that power. We’ve shown that, with the right technology, these people’s thoughts could be decoded and understood by any listener.

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Trump Talking Tough By Charles Taylor

     With crazies going out and shooting people, tough talk is plain silly. Trump should stop trying to be a big man with talk and get down and build the wall.

“U.S. President Donald Trump issued an extraordinary warning to political opponents on Monday, telling a right-wing website that “it would be very bad, very bad” if his supporters in the military, police and a motorcycle group were provoked into getting “tough.” Trump uttered the remark in an interview with Breitbart News. It came, according to Breitbart, as Trump was arguing that “the left” plays politics in a more “vicious” manner than the pro-Trump right even though “the tough people” are on Trump’s side.”

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Another Day; Another Race Riot By James Reed

     After a while one becomes uncomfortable numb to all of this, and sits back watching the inevitable outcome of diversity, diversifying.  This is the second time I have typed this essay. The first-time, the Word document simply closed down and my “save” did not save. That is because Word too is diverse, and diversifying. In fact, isn’t Word a good symbol of the multicult society, with all of its complexities, problems and evolution? Would Word 2000,000,000 have all of the bugs out?

“A witness to violent brawls between two groups in Melbourne's CBD has described how teenage Pacific Islander girls beat up African boys in chaotic scenes. Events planner Blagoja Stajkojic was on his way home from the Moomba Festival with friends when he came across a tense stand-off between two opposing groups. The Melbourne man claimed 100 African youths had staked their territory on the steps of Flinders Street Station and were playing rap music while a group of Pacific Islanders stood nearby. 'It was all really territorial. The Islanders were on the steps of Federation Square and groups of them just kept getting closer and closer. I could tell something was about to happen,' he told Daily Mail Australia. Mr Stajkojic, who managed to snap a photo of the two 'gangs' squaring up against each other, claimed things kicked off after glass bottles were thrown. He said there was only one winner in the crazed fighting, which rolled on for about three hours as dozens of riot squad officers roamed the city. 'Pound for pound the Pacific Islanders dominated the Africans. They were just bigger guys - three African guys got knocked unconscious,' he said. He also revealed the Pacific Islander girls were beating up the male African youths as well as their female adversaries, none of whom looked over the age of 18.”

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