Increase Fees for International Students! By James Reed

 The Albo government has raised fees for international students by it seems $ 890, which is very low in my opinion. This has led Abul Rizvi, to say that this is: "really poor, short-term thinking. We're actually shooting ourselves in the foot: the people it will deter will tend to be good students with options".

Really? Most Aussies are getting hit with electricity bill increases more than that. And if international students are to be brought in here as cash cows, then they need to pay, pay 100-fold that amount, just for starters.

The wealth that the elites brag about from the international student Great Replacement scheme should then go to homeless Aussies. Sack academics from across the Arts/Humanities/Social Science, clear out their offices, and let those struggling in tent cities, created mainly by the greed of the universities, move into the offices!



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Sunday, 08 September 2024

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