In the West’s Darkest Hour: The Victory of Hermann Over the Roman Legions By Brian Simpson

At this time of the West’s darkest hour, where the wind of neglect that was sown, now is reaped as a whirlwind that threatens everything, perhaps it will ease the dark night of the racial soul, to reflect upon victories of the past that were secured against seemingly overwhelming odds.

One of the great victories, against the odds, was that of Arminius (18/17BC - AD 21), also known as Hermann of the Cherusci, who was a chief of the Germanic Cherusci. He  was captured as a youth and rose through the Roman ranks to serve as a commander of the Roman auxiliary forces. He had grown concerned about Rome’s intention to crush the Germanics, and he journeyed to Germanic territory to organise the disputing tribes into a solid fighting force.


In 9 AD he persuaded his superior, Varus, to send three legions of soldiers under Varus’ command to deal with the Germanics. This involved passage into the Teutoburg Forest. But Hermann had organised for the united Germanics to be in the forest, a natural fighting ground for them, and one which severely disadvantaged Roman fighting tactics. Every tree must have been full of Germanic warriors with bows and arrows, and throwing spears. The battle ended with Varus’ entire army wiped out, over 20,000 men! Hermann succeeded in driving the Romans out of Germania. This battle is covered in detail by Edward Shepherd Creasy, Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World (1899).

Why should our kind have sympathy for Hermann and the survival of the Germanics, since most conservatives see ancient Greece and Rome as setting the foundations of Western civilisation, politics, philosophy, logic and art, indeed, most of culture? For a start, Rome was the globalist Old World Order of that era that embodied most of the ideologies of centralism that we would oppose. This blog puts it neatly, that Rome embraced multiculturalism, multiethnicism, multiracialism, and most of the doctrine’s that excite the globalists today:,A%20Germanic-blood%2C%20Roman%20general%20who%20turned%20on%20Rome


“I believe that Rome and Greece (especially Athens) appeals to these anti-whites for two simple reasons.

The first is that they aren’t really seen as white (and enslaved Germanics and massacred Celts, the epitome of white) but created art, technology and architecture that is of a high-standard that we would recognize as distinctly European; but the second is that the Greco-Roman civilizations harbor much of the origins of the politics in which the anti-whites today hold sacred.

The most obvious is that Rome and Greece were the ultimate civic nationalists. Vast empires that, specifically where Western Rome is concerned, considered all of the various ethnic groups who lived within their borders to be one people; to be “Roman”. Alexander and his generals LARP’d as the people they conquered (“assimilated”). The Greek civilizations were also much more open to homosexuality; I don’t think I need to say any more about that as you all know of the Spartan warriors and such. Another huge point is that Rome was a Republic and Athens literally invented democracy; believed by globalists and all other manner of anti-white today to be the only legitimate type of government. You might say “but the left are against imperialism!” Tell them about a country that doesn’t believe in [homosexuality and] democracy and watch what devoted imperialists they become! It is important to note that when these people say “imperialism”, what they actually mean is “white supremacy”. 

To the anti-whites, the Greco-Roman world was “proof” that people of many ethnic groups can be successfully “united” under a banner of civics and proposition, lead by “non-whites”, whilst maintaining the high-civilization with high technology, bustling cities of beautiful art and architecture and a rich mythology. But the only reason it failed, is for the same reason we don’t have utopia right now in our multi-ethnic societies: Racists. Nationalists [screwing] everything up. If only the stubborn Germanics and Celts would’ve assimilated to Roman culture instead of their petty tribalism! If only Alexander’s generals hadn’t been such chauvinists seeking to rule their own corners! Everything would’ve been just fine!

From the academic historian’s perspective, Hermann was that racist who ruined everything. He betrayed the glorious Rome to save his own ethnic group; his blood. Something they see as totally pointless.”

          Along with this, ancient Rome was not feminist, but went too far in the other direction, being more restrictive than radical Islam of today, with women regarded as property, so if they were raped, this was a property, rather than a personal crime. As shown by the Roman Tacitus in Germania (98 AD), a critique of decadent Roman society based upon the Germans, no doubt with a bit of romanticism thrown in, women were much more highly regarded in Germania than in Rome, without falling into the trap on the Left side of proto-feminism.

Earnest Sevier Cox said of the significance of Hermann’s victory: “Hermann’s victory over Rome preserved the race and culture of Germanic people, for had Rome reached the Baltic with the mighty German warriors at her disposal, few there are that would hold that the Scandinavian brood land could have escaped the power of the Roman empire and the mongrelisation that was effected within its borders. Modern civilization hung upon victory for the descendants of the people he preserved are everywhere leaders in civilized culture as we know it. The victory, by preserving the racial brood lands of Scandinavia and Germany, built up a reservoir of men and women of splendid bodies, splendid courage, and splendid energy, who, beginning four centuries after the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, broke forth upon the Western Roman Empire, subdued it, took possession of Europe and conditioned modern civilization to a development along Teutonic lines. This victory gave to the Anglo-Saxons their prized Bill of Rights and Common Law, inherited from the republican institutions of Old Saxony. It gave to the man on foot the right of way as against the man on horseback. It gave the presumption of innocence to the individual charged with crime, and an early trial for charges made against him.”


This theme is pursued in great depth by Charles Kingsley in The Roman and the Teuton (1864). The founders of Rome were the genetic descendants of our Indo-European ancestors, and Roman busts and death masks, painted in the exact colours of the person’s skin and hair, show Nordic features, such as long skulls, blue or light eyes, light skin and fair or brown hair. Many Romans, such as Plutarch are described as blonde and blue-eyed, as was Galba and Nero. Thus, the original Romans were Nordics, but they ultimately interbred with migrants of other races, and disappeared. 


Kingsley saw Rome’s racial decline, and descent into decadence, as ruling power elites pursued policies of centralism, hedonistic materialism, and globalism for the time, which destroyed Rome. The Germanic barbarian thus destroyed Rome finally, but it was already decayed from globalism. The germs of the rebirth of the West already lay within Nordic Europe. If Rome had destroyed this, we would not be here now.

Today, the West is in a much darker plight than at Hermann’s time, and the contemporary barbarians are not going to rebuild the West, but are openly working to destroy it, as we have seen from the coverage of the American 2020 crisis. Everything once more, hangs by a thread, and men today are nothing compared to the warriors of Hermann’s time - these men would see even our toughest guys as women-men.  We have big problems, maybe insuperable ones. Hermann, where are you!






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